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by C-dub
Sat Oct 28, 2017 9:48 pm
Forum: Rifles & Shotguns
Topic: Shotgun selection
Replies: 34
Views: 13522

Re: Shotgun selection

I bought my daughter an ATI 20 gauge O/U from Grabagun last year and it has held up great. We don't put hundreds of rounds through it every week or it might not be holding up so well. A friend of mine that has a few Perazzi's told me the biggest difference in his and my daughter's is in the reliability to shoot hundreds or thousands of rounds each week versus each year. Other than that, not a huge difference. I got my daughter hers for under $500.

One thing I may have missed is about the OP's daughter's ability with firearms in general. Does she shoot much at all? Has she ever fired a shotgun at all before? Is she small or not? A 12 gauge might be too much for her. The simplicity of an O/U is tough to beat compared to the possible issues operating an inexpensive semi-auto.

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