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by chuckybrown
Tue Mar 20, 2012 8:22 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....
Replies: 81
Views: 15254

Re: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....

The place is called Central Texas BBQ. It is on Airport Blvd across from Hobby aiport behind the Jack n the Box. Best bbq in town... ... -Q-Houston" onclick=";return false;

I'm now afraid the best kept BBQ secret in Houston will be out of the bag, they'll double their prices, and the lines will be too long to get in the door....

If you see a shortish stocky guy with a hard hat and kevlar vest ducking shoulder rigs in there, that'd be me......

Blake's is a VERY close 2nd......
by chuckybrown
Sat Mar 10, 2012 7:57 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....
Replies: 81
Views: 15254

Re: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....

LeonCarr wrote:Did the OP ever mention the name and location of the BBQ place?


Just my .02,
It matters?
by chuckybrown
Fri Mar 09, 2012 6:41 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....
Replies: 81
Views: 15254

Re: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....

Sorry to have gotten sideways.

Sugar Land Dave is right, we need to be able to discuss, and we don't always agree.

Sincerely: Sugar Land Chuck (guess we're neighbors....)
by chuckybrown
Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:22 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....
Replies: 81
Views: 15254

Re: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....

Well, just know that I'm not trying to troll to stir up trouble.

(Thanks for all you do for our State. I have a great fiend who's son is a DPS trooper in your part of the state. She's extremely proud of him....!!!!!!!!!!!)
by chuckybrown
Wed Mar 07, 2012 9:03 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....
Replies: 81
Views: 15254

Re: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....

gigag04 wrote:These sarcastic tongue in cheek posts are on the rise.

Hope this isn't becoming the new norm.
Gig, I respect you. A lot. I like reading your posts, because I really think you're one of the good guys.

But, as someone that's been around firearms since I was a baby, I just have a hard time being made fun or second guessed...OR....accused of somehow thinking like an "anti" because I didn't like a pistol pointing at me.

I guess i never should have posted in the first place. I was simply sharing my concerns.
by chuckybrown
Wed Mar 07, 2012 8:37 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....
Replies: 81
Views: 15254

Re: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....

I give up. I was wrong. Further, I am way too paranoid. seems, NOW I think like a liberal?????

I'm going to get up from the computer, pick up my loaded/chambered XDm .40, and hold it at my temple while I watch t.v. the next
few hours.

Maybe tomorrow night/next week/next month too.

AND>>>>>>>>I plan on sleeping with my my loaded 12 GA zombie killer actually IN BED with me, with one in the pipe too....with my wife right next to me.
(Safety off....OF COURSE!!!!!...we all know they don't go off by themselves.......)

I'll host a sleepover for similar activities for the like-minded if I get enough interest!

Sorry for being so silly guys, I realize now I should have never have even flinched at the business end of that pistol pointing
at my noggin. AND, I further apologize for wasting everyone's time posting about it.

Someday, I'll grow up and be big, strong, and smart like everyone else. Until then, keep edumacating me, please?

by chuckybrown
Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:46 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....
Replies: 81
Views: 15254

Re: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....

Thanks for the responses. Let me say, however, that my questions you figured out, rhetorical in nature.

I moved, and would move again. I didn't take the opportunity to observe whether or not the hammer was down, or quiz the officer on his training or if the pistol had one in the pipe. I simply didn't like a barrel pointing at me from 7' away.

GigAg, you're prolly right....better odds of getting struck by lighting. But, I don't stay on golf courses when it storms either.

OlGringo, I didn't feel the need to point out to the officer that his gun was pointing it at me. First, the place was packed, and second....he knew...he puts that rig on every day. It's why I don't own one myself.

And, guys, what makes me the most upset with all your comments the most, is the one from Johnson0317: Let me make it clear, I DID NOT THROW AWAY GOOD BBQ!!! I had finished my meal, thank you very much..... "rlol" "rlol" "rlol" "rlol"
by chuckybrown
Tue Jan 24, 2012 7:36 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....
Replies: 81
Views: 15254

Re: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....

speedsix wrote:
Jumping Frog wrote:
chuckybrown wrote:... at a great barbecue dive near......someplace. (you'll understand in a minute)
Why the reluctance to say where it happened?

...and then he's posting about black helicopters following him everywhere...I don't blame know how "they" are...and they're watching... ;-)
Well, in case they're members here, or have someone that says "hey, look what this guy wrote".

"I ain't fraid of no black copters", LOL....just being respectful to the men that wear the uniform. "WHERE" specifically doesn't matter.

Of course, you can do the math on how many departments have helicopters, figure out where they park 'em, and probably narrow things down.

But, my post wasn't to call out a particular department, simply the fact that I did not like watching that barrel wag at me while the fine officer ate his lunch....
by chuckybrown
Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:38 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....
Replies: 81
Views: 15254

Re: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....

I'm almost certain is was a Beretta 92fs.

Irregardless, I just thought that the Don Johnson Miami Vice Classic had gone the way of linen pants and $1 gas.....
by chuckybrown
Mon Jan 23, 2012 9:19 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Extermely un-nerving encounter.....
Replies: 81
Views: 15254

Extermely un-nerving encounter.....

So today I'm at lunch with a co-worker and a business partner at a great barbecue dive near......someplace. (you'll understand in a minute)

We're at a table eating, almost finished, and in walk two Police Department chopper pilots in flight suits. Both of them wearing shoulder rigs over their flight suits. One officer is wearing a vertical holster with a Glock under his left arm, pointing at the floor. The other officer is wearing what I think is a Beretta, in a horizontal holster under his arm, pointing to his rear.

Why do I notice? He's sitting 90 degrees to my right, with the barrel of his duty weapon pointing at my noggin from six or seven feet away. I keep looking at this barrel , and my business partner that I've mentioned in previous posts is a CHL instructor finally sees what I am staring and dodging from says "oh man, are you serious"? I say quietly to my friend "I cannot believe he's carrying like that. That's downright scary, I hope that he doesn't have one in the pipe".

We were close to being finished when they sat down anyway, and after a few minutes I finally told my friends "I cannot sit here, I'm leaving", and gathered my plate for the trash can, and bugged out.

Ok, so, I may have completely over reacted, but having that pistol swinging under that officers armpit pointing at MY melon was just unacceptable. Sure, there may be dozens of guys with 'em under their jackets, but one in the open like that....well, I just flat out didn't like it. Further, I couldn't tell hammer condition, but would assume it was cocked and locked. I'm not sure officers carry any other way.

In closing, I respect the men that protect and serve. I'm sure these guys were well trained, and well intentioned. Perhaps I was the over-reacting paranoid one. However, I just cannot imagine that horizontal shoulder rigs are acceptable given today's options. Particularly carried on the outside of clothing like that.

Was I overreacting? Would you have moved as well?

I've been thinking about this today, and wanted to hear others' opinions on this as well.....

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