The plastic Comp-Tac clips are a lot easier to deal with than the metal Crossbreed style ones. They hold just as secure while you are carrying, but make putting on/taking off your holster an order of magnitude easier, as well as making repositioning your holster once it is on your belt (especially a thick belt) easy rather than frustrating and difficult.rmr1923 wrote:can you elaborate a bit? i'm not sure what you mean by not having to "deal with metal belt clips".koolaid wrote:It is worth it to me not to have to deal with metal belt clips.rmr1923 wrote:i wasn't aware the MTACs had retention screws, not worth the extra $30 to me though but that's just one man's opinion.
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- Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:52 pm
- Forum: New to CHL?
- Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
- Replies: 54
- Views: 17235
Re: Shielded Holsters - Crossbreed Style holster for $50
- Thu Mar 31, 2011 3:36 pm
- Forum: New to CHL?
- Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
- Replies: 54
- Views: 17235
Re: Shielded Holsters - Crossbreed Style holster for $50
It is worth it to me not to have to deal with metal belt clips. They also have an ebay discount outlet. Anyway, derail complete.rmr1923 wrote:i wasn't aware the MTACs had retention screws, not worth the extra $30 to me though but that's just one man's opinion.
- Thu Mar 31, 2011 1:04 pm
- Forum: New to CHL?
- Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
- Replies: 54
- Views: 17235
Re: Shielded Holsters - Crossbreed Style holster for $50
It is probably worth pointing out to people who haven't had a kydex/leather holster before that it is going to loosen up significantly on its own as the leather backing gets broken in and forms to the back of the pistol. If you permanently loosen the fit of the kydex with heat right after you get it, it is probably going to be way too loose after a month of carrying it. This is why the MTAC's have retention screws.rmr1923 wrote: the 4th photo is of me holding the holster upside down to show the level of retention, absolutely no concern whatsoever of the gun coming out of the holster if i were to trip, fall, etc. the fit was REAL tight when i got the holster, with instructions to heat the kydex up with a blow dryer and work the gun in and out until the retention level was where i wanted it.
- Thu Mar 24, 2011 2:12 pm
- Forum: New to CHL?
- Topic: Crossbreed Holster Question
- Replies: 54
- Views: 17235
Re: Crossbreed Holster Question
The Comp-Tac belt clips are about a thousand times more user-friendly, as well.Skaven wrote:The only problem with the CBST is the SUPER long wait time. I actually think that they are taking longer that TX DPS. I ordered it over 6 weeks ago, and I am still waiting. Also for other options check out these guys as well." onclick=";return false;