because he canJustMe wrote:I'm curious why he felt it necessary to run your plates through the database to start with.

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because he canJustMe wrote:I'm curious why he felt it necessary to run your plates through the database to start with.
Some link or study to support this would be helpfull. Not saying you pulled it out of thin air, however, I have two personal experiences with LEO's saying the drivers that damaged our vehicles had insurance when in fact they did not. Tried to get them to issue citations after the fact, but they weren't interested. I even tracked down one woman's real address and phone number because she'd moved w/o updating her DL so the accident report had false info. I'm 0 for 2 in believing the stats you quote. plus I had the pleasure of paying two deductibles.gigag04 wrote:Having been to a suppression hearing on a stop I made for no insurance, I feel qualified to comment on this. The insurance database is over 99% accurate. By law it only has to be 95%. Either way, it definitely gets an operator past the 51% often associated with reasonable suspicion.