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by Syntyr
Wed Jan 03, 2018 11:12 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: My Water Line Burst
Replies: 51
Views: 11441

Re: My Water Line Burst

AndyC wrote:Sweating copper piping: ... /view-all/

I learned how to do this when helping a friend build a hunting camp; not hard. Flux is the magic ingredient - don't ignore it.
What AndyC said. Its not hard. About 20 bucks worth of supplies:
Copper pipe
Pipe cutter
Two slip fittings one for each end.

Dig (this is the hard part). Give yourself plenty of room to work. Cut out damaged section plus an inch or two. Clean up the ends as shiny and bright as you can. Cut new section to fit but give yourself enough play on each side to put the couplers and new pipe toghter and sweat the 4 joints together. Look sweating copper joints on youtube for how to. Buy a couple of extra couplers and practice. It takes a time or two but you can do it.

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