BillT wrote:Probably we should just go by the facts of this incident rather than coming up with "likelihoods" of other possible scenarios. Otherwise we sound like gun nuts! Bottom line is the crowd stopped him from loading the second magazine. A 10 rounder certainly would have had less people wounded. How can that be disputed if we only go by the facts of this particular incident?
To say "a 10 rounder certainly would have wounded less people" is also an assumption. It would not have helped Ms. Giffords, nor the 9-year old, or the judge according to witness reports. There is an automatic presumption that a high capacity weapon is a more dangerous weapon. If that were true, why do so many law enforcement agents, special forces, and highly trained and knowledgeable shooters choose to carry 7 or 8 shot 1911 models instead of high capacity Glocks? Personally, I feel that 8-10 rounds and a couple of spare magazines is more than sufficient for my self defense. If you gave me the choice of three 10 rounders or one 30 rounder, I would take three 10 round magazines because in the event of magazine malfunction, I still have two more.
That being said, I would fight hard to keep the right to own or carry higher capacity magazines for those who choose to carry them. Gun control does not work. I have lived most of my life living right on the Mexican border. Mexico has some of the strictest gun laws in the world, yet the city of Juarez had over 3100 murders last year, while gun friendly El Paso had 2. If there is anyone out there who believes that gun control works, I would invite them to take a tour of Juarez. I won't go with them, but I will draw a map so they can get to some cool locations.
In El Paso Texas, there are a lot of people who are legally licensed and carrying high capacity Glocks, FivenseveNs, XD's and a lot of 1911s as well. 2 murders in 2010. Across the river, if you are caught with a single bullet in your pocket, you are going to jail. Over 3100 murders. And I am not talking about stabbings, I am talking about people getting mowed down with fully automatic AK-47s and hand grenades. Those guys are not using Glocks with 30 round magazines either.
If I told you that strict gun control in the U.S. could lead to drug cartels, extortionists, murders, and kidnappers running the street and our people hiding in their homes and living in fear, you would say that I am an alarmist, but that is exactly what has happened a mile from my doorstep. I don't want our great country going down the same path.