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by philbo
Fri Nov 04, 2016 11:44 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Trump or Clinton--our own poll
Replies: 221
Views: 62245

Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll

The Annoyed Man wrote:And still no reply at all, let alone a rational reply from the Hillary voters. It's awful quiet in here......... :cool:
What could they possibly say that would make a difference or convince you that in their opinion Clinton was the lessor of two evils? If they believe that, then for them that is enough to validate their decision. Why would they try to convince someone who has already made up their mind of the opposite conclusion? That would be futile on both sides.

A LOT of the push in support of Clinton seems to be less support for her, her ideas or her policies, and more a reaction to Trump personally. The only reason they are voting for her is they WILL NOT vote for Trump under any circumstance and can hold their noses long enough to make sure he isn't elected. I know more than a few people I respect who view Trump as unpalatable personally and unsuitable for office under any circumstance... Trump is someone they felt compelled to vote against to insure he isn't elected, and to be honest it will be on mind when I enter the voting booth on Tuesday.

Long time conservative George Will walked away from the Republican Party rather than support Trump, and he wasn't alone. Whether you agree with him or not he reflects a rather sizeable part of the population that have traditionally supported conservatives since 1980, and I agree with much of what he has said on the subject when he called Trump the GOP's chemotherapy: ... story.html

I believe that the votes in this little poll are from actual voters. I may not agree with them, but as an adult I can respect their decision without believing that they live in their Mamma's basement. Calling them traitors and other names as has been done is this thread does little to bring them back to the GOP for the next round when their support will be needed in future debates.
by philbo
Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:43 pm
Forum: Federal
Topic: Trump or Clinton--our own poll
Replies: 221
Views: 62245

Re: Trump or Clinton--our own poll

mojo84 wrote:Out of curiosity and not to start a forum war, here's a question for the Hillary supporters that indicated they plan to vote for her.

Has the recent FBI announcement and Wikileaks revelations caused you to reconsider or change your voting preference?
I suspect it makes very little difference at this point.

More and more of the people I have spoken to who are voting this time are not voting for a particular candidate, but against a candidate. Someone who is voting against Trump isn't likely to be swayed much by a new investigation into Hillary Clinton... how many have there been already? Just as few were swayed to reconsider their vote by any of the recent revelations against Trump's character... or lack thereof. These two candidates are the the most toxic candidates for president in the last 50 years. What seems to be driving many voters is their stronger dislike of the opposing candidate than anything else. Most are only willing to consider information that supports their own preexisting beliefs and dismiss everything that doesn't support the decision they have already reached. Both sides of the aisle are guilty of this type of confirmation bias in my opinion in any election, but this year it seems worse than previous years. This country has survived much worse and moved forward, and regardless of the outcome I believe we will do so again.

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