Owned a P9 for years and carry it often. Both pistols are about the same in overall width, length and height, but Kahr manages to squeeze a 3.5" barrel into the package while S&W can only get a 3.1" barrel in the shield. The only other real difference is the trigger system... S&W is using a more traditional striker fired design, while the Kahr is using a striker design that requires a longer trigger pull. If you like a double action revolver with a smooth action for carry then you will love the Kahr. If you like a glock style trigger then the shield is going to rank higher. The only reason I' have the Kahr at this time instead of a Shield is I already mags and holsters for the Kahr for carry when the shield was released and saw no advantage to reacquire all that by buying a new Shield. At present I have a Kahr P9, PM9, TP45, CT380, and P380 that get carried regularly. Great pistols each and every one.
One last thing to consider is the type of grip you employ. If you like the thumbs forward grip on these small pistols then the Kahr may not be for you. I have watched many shooters suffer irregular FTF's with my P9 that has always been flawless for me. The difference is their insistence on using a thumb forward grip instead of a revolver grip with this pistol and invariably I've watched malfunctions occur because their thumbs are dragging on the slide during recoil and interfering with the cycling of the pistol. Each time, once the shooter has adjusted their grip, the P9 runs like a champ. The lesson here is if you use a thumbs forward grip and can't shoot any other way, then the Shield is more likely to be your friend as it seems more forgiving of drag on the slide than the Kahr's do.
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- by philbo
- Mon May 07, 2018 11:30 am
- Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
- Topic: Kahr P9
- Replies: 9
- Views: 3842
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