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by seadog
Tue Dec 29, 2009 10:17 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

Congrats ES4Me you are now, Plastic walking!!! :thewave :anamatedbanana :woohoo
by seadog
Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:56 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

USA1 wrote:
seadog wrote:
USA1 wrote:
ES4Me wrote: If it shows up in the mail before Friday, I just may start believing in Santa Claus again. :smilelol5:
Maybe Santa himself will bring it to you...Don't forget to leave the cookies and milk out. :mrgreen:
How are you USA1? I haven't heard much from you lately.
Howdy seadog ! I'm good . I've been around , you've just been looking in the wrong places . :lol:

Hows the wonderful world of CHL treatin you ? I'm sure by now it has become second nature , I know it has for me.
I sure hope to see you again at the next forum day. Perhaps a friendly competition on the Texas Star ? :txflag:
Yes but I have friends in wrong places, Ha Ha

I love it and yes it is becoming second nature. I did buy an LCP for a pocket pistol, which I may use more in the summer but for now my 9 and I have become very close. Dona is using the 380 till we get the handle back for her 9mm Sig P250 sub compact.

I’d be obliged to take you up on a little friendly competition. I will have to be careful though, you may be a ringer… You know, observe one year and kick butt the next.

Good to here from you and Have a Merry Christmas
by seadog
Tue Dec 22, 2009 9:31 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

USA1 wrote:
ES4Me wrote: If it shows up in the mail before Friday, I just may start believing in Santa Claus again. :smilelol5:
Maybe Santa himself will bring it to you...Don't forget to leave the cookies and milk out. :mrgreen:
How are you USA1? I haven't heard much from you lately.
by seadog
Mon Dec 21, 2009 9:27 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

ES4Me wrote:Thanks guys....but I remain cynical. When it shows up in the mailbox, I will believe it. Until then, I am not holding my breath. It could show up tomorrow or Monday, it could not.

When I was talking to my friend earlier, she said she in October and November she was making calls for people who had applied in April and May. I seriously think there is someone or someones at the DPS who are doing an incredibly slipshod job of processing apps. Like I said the other day, there are those in that office who are diligently processing apps and there are those who are too occupied updating their Facebook pages and don't let work interfere with their social lives. Might be a few anti-gunners in there goofing off to deliberately muck up the works as well.
Mail may be a little slow due to the Christmas rush but I'm hopeful you will get it before Christmas. Good luck and congratulations.
by seadog
Wed Nov 11, 2009 7:57 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

ES4Me wrote:Congratulations to all who have newly minted plastic in hand and have completed the obligatory "Wally Walk"!!

Have been traveling a lot for work lately, but did manage to get the rejected paperwork in order and sent off last week. We'll see how long the process takes now! Heading to Kalifornia the end of the week (work again) and hope it doesn't arrive before I get back. I want to be there to dance in front of the mailbox!!
Good luck again..
by seadog
Thu Nov 05, 2009 12:06 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

milo wrote:Awesome. License Issued!!!!! Now the mailbox sitting...
Cograts :thewave :woohoo
by seadog
Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:30 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

ExMarlboroMan wrote:
Another League City'er here. I lived in Houston/Harris county my whole life though untill 2007. So I've got records from Harris and Galveston , hope that doesn't throw 'em too far off from the 60 day mark!

BTW You know that League City/ 77573 has the highest number of CHL's in TEXAS!!!
I am in League City and they had to check records in Harris and Fort Bend counties. I got to my mail yesterday and have plastic in hand. 64 days.
by seadog
Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:10 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

USA1 wrote:
redrockx wrote: so, what time frame am i looking at "if" all goes well...? for plastic to arrive.
hello .

where you live has a lot to do with it . i would estimate 60 days give or take .

good luck . :tiphat:
Looks like it's moving faster now. I am just outside of Houston in Galveston county and I got my approval in 58 calendar days. My plastic hit the mail box yesterday for a total of 64 days
by seadog
Thu Oct 22, 2009 2:06 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

sorry ES4Me
by seadog
Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:42 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

Mrgordy wrote:Congrats n624 & CHLady!! Mine went active today too! Woo Hoo!!
Great :thewave
by seadog
Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:41 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

CHLady wrote::hurry: :fire :patriot: :clapping: Wooo Hooo! After 51 days "Application Completed - license issued or certificate active". I'm going to pick out my outfit for the Wally Walk!! Yeah!!! I should have my license by this weekend!!!
Way to go. I am still waiting for my plastic maybe tomorrow, I won't get a chance to check my mail today. I hope yours comes fast.
by seadog
Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:37 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

CHLady wrote:
USA1 wrote: i sure would like to put a Crimson Trace Laser on it , but they are a little on the pricey side .
All you LCP lovers ought to check out that site anyway.
Thanks CHLady, I will check it out too.
by seadog
Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:54 pm
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

That laser costs almost as much as the gun.
by seadog
Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:47 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

Just an update, I have been stalking the mail box Friday and Saturday with no luck yet. I won’t be in town today but I’m hopeful I will have my plastic in the mail when I get back Thursday evening. :drool:
by seadog
Fri Oct 16, 2009 11:00 am
Forum: The "Waiting Room"
Topic: September 2009 Applications
Replies: 496
Views: 66230

Re: September 2009 Applications

CHLady wrote:
seadog wrote:This is great!!!! I checked the site about 10.00am and here is the result: Application Completed - license issued or certificate active
That's great!!!! You'll have your License probably Friday or Saturday, no later than Monday! Congratulations!!! :hurry:

Nice choice on the LCP. We're a two elsie family. One with a laser and one without. If you're going to use a back pocket wallet holster Uncle George is the best around, in our opinion. Check out his Web site or see his new sponsorship on elsiepea. We have one holster of each, with and without laser. We just bought 380 self defense "Gold Dot" 20 for 20.99 at Cabelas. I also have a Bersa Thunder 380cc that is a little picky about ammo and it likes the Gold Dot.

I agree with the others, Acadamy is the best place to watch for 380 full metal jacket practice ammo.

I know you'll have a great weekend and congratulations again. I'm selfish......hope I'm next!!!
I hope your next too. I'll keep checking academy.

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