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by RedRaider
Wed Jul 21, 2010 3:40 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: I just don't understand
Replies: 30
Views: 3874

Re: I just don't understand

I kind of wish I would have asked why after the fact, it just didn't cross my mind as I was in a hurry to get to work.
Keith B wrote:I can tell you the night my car got broken into I was mad enough because of all the damage, if someone had come up and said they did it that I would have been tempted to draw on them right then and there had I been carrying.
This could be it, I can't say I was in the greatest of moods when he arrived.
by RedRaider
Wed Jul 21, 2010 1:49 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: I just don't understand
Replies: 30
Views: 3874

Re: I just don't understand

gigag04 wrote:
Leroy wrote:That makes absolutely no sense to me. I would think an officer would take comfort in the fact the he was dealing with someone (CHL holder)whose background has been scrutinized and cleared as being a law abiding, upstanding citizen. WE do have to remember though that he puts his pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else, and just because he has a badge does not mean he is the sharpest knife in drawer.
Ummm...not all the CHL holders I have encountered are "law abiding, upstanding citizens." In the past 6 months i have personally dealt with three, and one went to jail for class A theft. I booked a unrelated CHL holder for a partner for DWI. I understand that I have a small sample size and that my numbers aren't indicative of the general population of CHLs, however, a CHL is not really an automatic good guy card in my opinion any more.

Not really sure how that officer's intelligence plays into this so....
This kind of clears things up, I too figured I should be the least of his concerns. GigAg, you're examples of CHL holders you have dealt with definently puts a different light on the subject. I guess sometimes all of us CHL holders assume everyone with a CHL is an angel, but there are always bad apples in each bunch.

Like I said, this experience was really a non-event for me, I just didn't really understand it. I'm glad he didn't try to disarm me too. Another thing that confused me was how did he know I even put it in my house......I could have walked in my house, went to the bathroom, and walked right back out (not that I would do that). He never checked to make sure I disarmed.
by RedRaider
Wed Jul 21, 2010 9:14 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: I just don't understand
Replies: 30
Views: 3874

I just don't understand

Long story short, my car last night had the front and back windshields busted out (gotta love summer when all the kids are out of school) and so I called to have a cop come out to write me up a report for my insurance company. He shows up, asks for ID, I give him both Licence and CHL since I'm carrying. He asks if I'm carrying, I say yes, he asks me to go put it inside the house.

First off, I respect police officers and know they have a very difficult job, I respected his wishes and did as he asked without questioning it one bit. I guess I just don't understand it though, I'm the victim who called them police to come to my house, I let him know that I am armed by showing my CHL as we are required to do by law, and yet he feels unsafe (I assume this is why he asked for me to put it inside the house). Shouldn't he be worried about the criminals who don't let him know their armed? Maybe some police officers feel uncomfortable with CHL holders.......I dunno.....

Sorry, frustrating morning and just felt like venting, thanks for listening!

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