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by TexasRedneck
Sat Aug 14, 2010 12:05 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky!!
Replies: 50
Views: 5805

Re: Sneaky, sneaky, sneaky!!

I say "sir" or "ma'm" simply because it's the polite thing to do. If they carry themselves in a way unbecoming their job, I'll take it up with a supervisor - but someone doing the job of a police officer doesn't have to "earn" my respect. And I've not seen an officer stick a badge out a window - that's usually an outstanding way of getting a ticket. As they pull ID, the badge shows, it's then up to the officer whether to show "professional courtesy" is NOT a "given" that it's gonna happen.
Someone's been listening to way too many "insiders" that don't really have a clue. I can name 3 muni's in the SA area that flippin' a badge like that will not only GUARANTEE you a ticket - but will have YOUR chief getting a call from THEIR chief.

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