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by R_Comstock
Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:51 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Man shot 32 times before dying
Replies: 37
Views: 7996

Re: Man shot 32 times before dying

seamusTX wrote:
R_Comstock wrote:1) The aforementioned General who survived several years with a LEAD bullet permanently lodged in his heart...and they worry about lead poisoning from paint and pipe solder nowadays.
Many a man has lived a long life with a bullet embedded in his body. The body forms scar tissue around the bullet and renders it inert.

Airborne or waterborne lead is another story. It forms water-soluble compounds that get into the bloodstream and make their way to the nervous system. That is very damaging to fetuses and children. It's unhealthy for adults, too.
A .38 Special revolver holds 6 rounds (I know this has been casually mentioned but I wanted to re-iterate this). This means, the shooter had to reload AT LEAST 5 times!
It was a five-shot revolver, so he reloaded more than six times.
I recently heard about a would-be robber who was shot and killed by 30 rounds from 5 different guns. Here's how the story goes...BG decides he wants to rob a gun store (of all places).
That is a widely circulated, exaggerated version of a real event. The goofball did walk past a police car and try to rob a gun store with a uniformed police officer present. He was shot several times by the store owner and the cop.

The real version is on

- Jim

Thank you for the clarifications. :tiphat: I am not a genius, nor do I play one on TV. :rolll
by R_Comstock
Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:39 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Man shot 32 times before dying
Replies: 37
Views: 7996

Re: Man shot 32 times before dying

Wanted to throw something else out there...

I recently heard about a would-be robber who was shot and killed by 30 rounds from 5 different guns. Here's how the story goes...

BG decides he wants to rob a gun store (of all places).
BG goes to said gun store, notices a MARKED POLICE CRUISER parked out front.
BG walks around said cruiser noting the lack of police officer inside.
BG walks inside gun store to commit the crime...
Inside the gun store are 2 customers, 2 employees (all CHL holders) and the 1 UNIFORMED POLICE OFFICER.
BG pulls his gun to rob the store... :fire :fire :fire :fire :fire

Remember, kids...crime doesn't pay because criminals are STUPID!
by R_Comstock
Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:34 am
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: Man shot 32 times before dying
Replies: 37
Views: 7996

Re: Man shot 32 times before dying

In reading this, I had a few observations:

1) The aforementioned General who survived several years with a LEAD bullet permanently lodged in his heart...and they worry about lead poisoning from paint and pipe solder nowadays.

2) It is taught in most LE/Military shooting classes that the 'will to survive' means everything. Perhaps that's why that female officer survived. I was told as a child of a grizzly human experiment conducted by the Nazis in which two prisoners would be taken to a room and individually tied down to separate tables. Someone would come in, cut the arm of one and force the other to watch until the bleeding victim died. Then, shortly thereafter the survivor would be blindfolded, his arm 'cut' with a piece of ice. Although there was no physical injury whatsoever, the second person would die simply because he THOUGHT he was dying.

3) A .38 Special revolver holds 6 rounds (I know this has been casually mentioned but I wanted to re-iterate this). This means, the shooter had to reload AT LEAST 5 times! Yeah, I would have sent him away for murder as well...probably 1st degree. Who the hell needs to carry around that many rounds anyway? Take the recent Ft. Hood Massacre for example.

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