My husband and I were headed back up from visiting my family last night, and we took a shortcut up 289. When you get into Gunter, the speed limit drops from 60 to 45; we're always prepared for it, and use cruise control to ensure we don't speed. Right after we passed the speed limit sign where it drops, a cop lit up behind us and my husband pulled over for him. We were the only car on the road - not like it could have been for anyone else!
My husband and I were both carrying, so we both pulled out our licenses. The officer approached the car after a couple of minutes' delay and informed us that our license plate light was either very dim or out. We had no idea. I assume he was running the plate during that couple minutes' delay to ensure it wasn't out on purpose to prevent someone from IDing a stolen car or something.
Husband handed over his IDs and insurance. The officer glanced at my husband's CHL and my husband informed him that he was armed. The officer said, "Alright, thank you." He noted the insurance card said it had expired yesterday. THAT'S what we had forgotten - we didn't grab our new cards before we left home! My husband told him what happened and said he'd be happy to wait if the officer needed to run the info to make sure it was up-to-date.
The officer declined, handed everything back and asked that we replace our light as soon as possible.
Very professional, a nice stop, and we'll be getting that light fixed! Wish I could remember the officer's name because I'd love to write or call into the PD and tell them we were impressed.
EDIT: I found a form on Gunter's city website that allowed me to contact the police chief. I gave enough details that they may be able to figure out who was on duty in that area at the time so the officer can get the praise he deserves.
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- by randomoutburst
- Sat Dec 25, 2010 1:39 am
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: Good Contact in Gunter
- Replies: 2
- Views: 735
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