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by MadMonkey
Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:22 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?
Replies: 11
Views: 1894

Re: LEO Poll: What makes you more comfortable?

If I get lit up (which is often unfortunately, I mean do they REALLY expect me to keep track of the expiration dates of 4 different stickers on two cars??), I have my wallet out well before I stop, driver's side window down, left arm resting on top of the door (hand on the roof) and right hand resting on top of the door (both clearly, obviously visible) with the wallet on my lap. Hands stay in place until the officer shows up and asks for my ID, at which point I let him know I'm carrying and where it is BEFORE I move either hand. Once I know he's okay with it, I pull out my ID's and insurance and hand it over.

I have yet to be disarmed, and almost every officer who has pulled me over has thanked me for being "easy".

My approach is to make them as comfortable as possible, which makes both of our lives easier. The only (ahem)s I've run into are motorcycle cops, but that's to be expected... :biggrinjester:

Not saying everyone should do that, but so far it has worked for me. I still get tickets now and then, but I still get out of them often as well :woohoo

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