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by RPB
Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:43 am
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Defensive options for kids
Replies: 14
Views: 2208

Re: Defensive options for kids

Not really a "defense" item per-se, but something I recommend too for kids (of all ages)
Personally, I wear mine everywhere, on or off the water, even to WalMart lol.

(Texas law requires a signal device for kayakers, and lots of kayakers get them to blow at inattentive powerboaters or to use to signal other kayakers in a group)

Storm Whistle (loudest whistle in the world, even works under water) and in bright fluorescent yellow or orange. (do NOT try it indoors) They are much louder than a human voice can scream.

My niece likes hers, middle school and high schoolers all seem to like the flourescent colored stuff, my kayaking hats and whistles and shirts keep getting "borrowed"" onclick=";return false;

About 5 bucks
The "Wind Storm" is smaller and a little less loud. I get the Storm, instead of the Windstorm, but some people might want a smaller whistle.
by RPB
Fri Oct 01, 2010 2:49 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Defensive options for kids
Replies: 14
Views: 2208

Re: Defensive options for kids

Doctors sometimes recommend martial arts to raise self-esteem and self-confidence and self-restraint, which is good for today's young girls with mental "body issues" and respect for authority too. I know a girl who minds her parents better/is less rebellious since learning some.

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