TTU Bass Angler wrote:Hey guys I'm new to carrying so maybe it might sound dumb but... No question is dumb
Is it a bad idea to have regular rounds for the first two bullets ( That's a very bad idea) in the magazine and then after that loaded with hollow points? I was just thinking that if two regular bullets hit their mark and the guy still won't stop then there's a need for hollow points. Do I really need a full magazine with hollow points? yes
You really don't want to accidentally kill some innocent person, remove the round nose bullets and only carry hollowpoints to reduce the risk of overpenetration.
The TV show "Chase" about Texas Rangers or Federal Marshals in Houston had an episode where a guy shot another at close range inside a van, 9mm bullet went through the guy, through the metal van door, into a lady's husband in the park, killing both.
Thomas wrote:I only use hollow points because I don't want a full metal jacket round to go through the bad guy,... and then hit an innocent bystander.
TxKimberMan wrote:If any situation progresses to the point that I need to defend myself or my family with a weapon, I want EVERY round to count. Hollow points and only hollow points in my EDC.
and with anyone else that says
only hoollowpoints, for essentially the two above reasons ... I agree.
(The only time I'd consider a non-HP round might be in .25acp (way underpowered round imho) otherwise, round nosed bullets are for paper targets only, hollowpoints keep others safer since they are less likely to overpenetrate.... but if you carry a .25acp ... please sell it and and buy a gun)