They mean 30.06 signs aren't addressed to "legislators with CHLs," like gunbuster signs aren't addressed to "regular folk CHLs"hirundo82 wrote:The Fox station in Houston was saying that they would be allowed to carry in places regular people couldn't, including churches, bars, and businesses. The last one had me goingHoi Polloi wrote:A number of the articles I read said they'll be able to carry in churches, restaurants, and sporting events, unlike other CHL holders.
What a crazy mish-mash of misunderstandings!
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Return to “SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581”
- Tue May 10, 2011 12:45 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Tue May 10, 2011 8:24 am
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
All I'm sayin' any more ... is TBD ...To be determined ... because ........SC1903A3 wrote:Since this amendment makes no mention of private universities and states Universities as defined under Eduation Code 61.003 which includes private universities under:
Question: Does this mean private universities cannot opt out?15) "Private or independent institution of higher education" includes only a private or independent college or university that is:(A) organized under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act (Article 1396-1.01 et seq., Vernon's Texas Civil Statutes);(B) exempt from taxation under Article VIII, Section 2, of the Texas Constitution and Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 (26 U.S.C. Section 501); and(C) accredited by:(i) the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools;(ii) the Liaison Committee on Medical Education; or(iii) the American Bar Association.
We'll see what the House does to the Senate bill.
Contacting your Representative in the House OFTEN is important at this stage.
Please oppose any attempt to remove Senator Wentworth's campus-carry provisions from SB 1581 (the HB 3639 companion).Please call and/or fax your Representative and ask them to oppose any attempt to remove Senator Wentworth's campus-carry provisions from SB 1581 (the HB 3639 companion).
I Faxed/E-mailed Rep Pitts and Aycock too (Authors of the House companion bill)
viewtopic.php?f=94&t=44934" onclick=";return false;
I'm thinking this may be the reason he kept "postponing" his bill ... but I could be wrong
History: ... ill=HB3639" onclick=";return false;
- Mon May 09, 2011 10:59 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
hush now before we accidentally prove it isn't germane 
Education Code 61.003. definitions needs revision? ..... ok I'll put it on the TO-DO list if they don;t run out of time.

Education Code 61.003. definitions needs revision? ..... ok I'll put it on the TO-DO list if they don;t run out of time.
- Mon May 09, 2011 10:55 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
Yeah I THOUGHT it did that, but I only slept from 3:15 until 3:45 a.m. last night so ... for a minute I thought I was mistaken ... but I was wrong.
Zaffrini insisted on that .... else it wouldn't be "Germane"The result is that it decriminalizes carrying on all institutions of higher education, and prevents the same institutions from adopting any policies against carrying.
- Mon May 09, 2011 8:42 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
I could be wrong ... I was once.
Right now all I can think is call Representative; call calendars
My brain hurts from doing this too much lately
Probably that rattle I been hearing
I missed watching Chuck for the first time ever (except when Obama pre-empted it to say whatever he said and I was forced to watch another channel)

Right now all I can think is call Representative; call calendars
My brain hurts from doing this too much lately

Probably that rattle I been hearing

I missed watching Chuck for the first time ever (except when Obama pre-empted it to say whatever he said and I was forced to watch another channel)
- Mon May 09, 2011 8:11 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
Would be funny if they ran it over and were able to hear it tonight lol
I know they can't but ... would be funny" onclick=";return false;
House is on 2817 now ... discussing poll watchers
I know they can't but ... would be funny" onclick=";return false;
House is on 2817 now ... discussing poll watchers
- Mon May 09, 2011 7:53 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
I noticedJasonw560 wrote: BTW, Johhny Woodhead is despondent in his tweeting.

- Mon May 09, 2011 7:48 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
Yeah, Senate is all finished ... now to the House... then to Rick Perry
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=44927" onclick=";return false;
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=44927" onclick=";return false;
- Mon May 09, 2011 7:17 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
Yeah pretty much what I understand tooaggiedev wrote:The way I understand it: because it was previously established that SB354 was germane to SB 5, Zaffirini's bill that she killed, once she added SB 5 as an amendment to SB 1581 AND it was determined that SB 5 was germane to SB 1581, by extension SB 354 became germane to SB 1581 where it would not have been before.Texas Size 11 wrote:Can one of you all please explain how Zaff's bill opened the door for Wentworth? I don't fully understand what her bill was all about.
In other words, if she hadn't attached her bill SB 5 as amendment 4 to SB 1581, amendment 5 wouldn't have been able to be attached to SB 1581.
Oh, and WHOOP!
Also so that the glue stays stuck which is holding 354 onto here.... see NEW CALL TO ACTION: Campus Carry
viewtopic.php?f=2&t=44927" onclick=";return false;
- Mon May 09, 2011 7:08 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
Without Zaffs bill already adopted, Wentworth's bill would have failed.Texas Size 11 wrote:I'm not going to lie ladies and gentlemen - I have not been able to follow the issue like I would have liked to due to life happening, but I have email and faxed congress reps left and right and am happy that I may have been heard. Can one of you all please explain how Zaff's bill opened the door for Wentworth? I don't fully understand what her bill was all about.
I appreciate the upcoming replies...
If she hadn't brought it up, we'd still be stalled.
We wanted her bill to be adopted, so Wentworth could get his adopted
After Wentworths was adopted, it's on there. ... pus-carry/" onclick=";return false;
Wentworth said afterward he is more hopeful today than he was a couple of hours ago. "When I submitted my amendment, I told them to hold it and submit it only after Senator Zaffirini's amendment was adopted," he said. "The fact is that without that, it would not have [passed]."
Without Zaffrini opening the door, we couldn't have walked through it. We'd still be stalled.
- Mon May 09, 2011 6:05 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
Texas Senate approves guns on campus ... &status=ok" onclick=";return false;
and at ... -on-campus" onclick=";return false; ... &status=ok" onclick=";return false;
and at ... -on-campus" onclick=";return false;
- Mon May 09, 2011 5:29 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
Watching the news tonight, tomorrow, reading the newspapers ... just became more fun 
I'm sure Huntington post
Washed post
Houston chronicle
El Paso Tiomes
Austin statesman etc
will see

I'm sure Huntington post
Washed post
Houston chronicle
El Paso Tiomes
Austin statesman etc
will see

- Mon May 09, 2011 5:25 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
I think that's correct, Zaffrini FORCED Wentworth to remove private school opt out so it would be broad enough to be germane.Hoi Polloi wrote:Does this mean there was no private school opt-out?
I'm just catching up for today. IIRC, to make it germane to Zaff's bill, he couldn't have the private school opt-out. I'm wondering if that carried over.
Then she opened the door for him.
Such a nice lady.
It's like JUDO politics. using an opponent's moves/momentum against them ... redirecting; it's easier than opposing the oncoming force
- Mon May 09, 2011 5:17 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
SC1903A3 wrote:I absolutely love Texas politics!!!!

I just got back; read the pages of happnins since I had left ... thanks guys for posting the play by play
See, just gotta have a little faith.
But continue calling/faxing Calendars tomorrow ... on both 750 and 2178
I'm wanting to call and express thanks to zaffrini ... but I'm a better sport than that

- Mon May 09, 2011 4:05 pm
- Forum: Concealed Carry on College Campuses
- Topic: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
- Replies: 127
- Views: 24679
Re: SB354 offered as amendement to SB 1581
I have to leave ... I'll be back in several hours.

Florida school board shooter amendment
gotta go ... bbl

Florida school board shooter amendment
gotta go ... bbl