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by RPB
Fri Jun 15, 2012 11:01 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Funniest LEO contact I ever had just minutes ago
Replies: 31
Views: 5900

Re: Funniest LEO contact I ever had just minutes ago

hi-power wrote:That story reminds me of another one. The wife and I were carpooling to work one morning and about 1/2 mile from the house she spotted a chicken on the side of the road. We figured it wouldn't last too long hanging around the CVS parking lot so we called animal control. The head guy of animal control came out and started trying to catch it. I noticed that when a chicken starts running, every guy in the area joins in the fun. We chased that poor thing all over the place. I finally had to leave for work but mostly because I was laughing too hard to be of any help. I never found out if they caught it or not.
Catch a chicken? .... just go to the other side of the road and wait for it to cross ....
but... (wait for it ...)
why would a chicken cross the road? :evil2:
by RPB
Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:41 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Funniest LEO contact I ever had just minutes ago
Replies: 31
Views: 5900

Re: Funniest LEO contact I ever had just minutes ago

I'm kinda liking the guard geese idea, for the cost of a bit of fencing I can eat free eggs maybe ... or get a golden one perhaps. Plus it may keep the neighbor's dog off the lawn.

I like this sign" onclick=";return false;
But I don't know if criminal dogs obey signs ... "rlol"
by RPB
Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:15 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Funniest LEO contact I ever had just minutes ago
Replies: 31
Views: 5900

Re: Funniest LEO contact I ever had just minutes ago

Bob in Big D wrote:I'm wondering who would call the police to report geese....... "rlol"
Seriously, even why they responded and didn't turn it over to animal control.
Most people in this real small country town of 2,500 residents are retired (some may be leaning towards senile) or ... kids are on Summer vacation now. I"m just guessing an aggressive goose was chasing someone's chihuahua or something (they do chase kids down at Lake Marble Falls parks) "rlol"

Small town, not much crime, police probably responded instead of animal control for the amusement factor.
I recall that the animal control lady thought porcupines could shoot quills like arrows ... if she still works there ... perhaps geese scare her :lol:
by RPB
Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:10 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Funniest LEO contact I ever had just minutes ago
Replies: 31
Views: 5900

Re: Funniest LEO contact I ever had just minutes ago

gigag04 wrote:In before the obligatory "I wouldn't have told the cops anything without a warrant" comments


25 years at a law office, and preparing clients for depositions ... and my boss's voice is in my head now ...
"Why did you say you were watching TV? You shouldn't volunteer information not asked for"


There is another street in town that sounds like and is often mistaken for my street name ... I"m guessing the geese were 2 miles away or so on the other street.
by RPB
Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:54 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Funniest LEO contact I ever had just minutes ago
Replies: 31
Views: 5900

Funniest LEO contact I ever had just minutes ago

I'm watching TV, door bell rings, I get up, look through door's window and see a shadow, no one on the porch, I have no shirt on and a holstered Glock IWB hanging out. I ease open the door, and see a Police Officer, look past him and see the Police car (I should have looked out the other window and seen it before opening the door)

As soon as I realize it's real Police, I casually put 1 hand high up on the door jamb, the other high up leaning on the door (not reaching for my gun)

Officer says: Did you call about the Geese?
Me: what? what geese? Seriously? Geese? I've been watching TV, ... Geese? what?
Officer turns away to keep from busting out laughing but I saw the smile as he turned and went back to his car and left.

I turn on scanner ... minutes later "Geese have moved on, I'm back in service"
"That's clear"

Now my eyes are watery from laughing and I wonder who reported geese and where and what the geese were doing to bother someone "rlol"

(All I ever reported was a porcupine, about 2 years ago ... the only one seen in town, but I called Animal Control to check for rabies, not Police) :smilelol5:

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