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by GOP
Wed May 19, 2010 2:56 pm
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Powder, Primers, and Bullets? Gunshow or Local in Sa TX?
Replies: 15
Views: 3601

Re: Powder, Primers, and Bullets? Gunshow or Local in Sa TX?

GUNNER wrote:Was at Cabela's yesterday and picked up 4,000 small pistol primers.... They have plenty on hand...
I find all manner of primers locally, except large pistol.
by GOP
Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:05 am
Forum: Reloading Forum
Topic: Powder, Primers, and Bullets? Gunshow or Local in Sa TX?
Replies: 15
Views: 3601

Re: Powder, Primers, and Bullets? Gunshow or Local in Sa TX?

Bu your primers in bulk, Midway is a good online source, but you pay hazmat fee. The large pistol primers are hard to find, and do not buy Wolf primers, nor magnum, just stick to CCI, Winchester, Remington, etc, the big name companies.

For casing's buy once-fired brass, there is a whole slew of companies on-line, just Google "once-fired brass" $80 for a 1000 rounds is about the best I've seen.

The cheapest bullets I've found are through Midway, I only load fmj, and the Rainer 230 gr are pretty good and cheap.

Lastly, powder, I can't speak for the area your in, but in Victoria, powder is in abundance. You can find cheaper on-line, but not enough to warrant paying the hazmat fee. Of course, if your paying it for primers anyways, then maybe its worth it. I buy from my local shops, whichever powder they have that'll work for 45acp, and download the data from the manufacturers site.

Good thing about 45acp is it is a fairly easy and low pressure load to reload.

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