Turns out he was not on his bike as I originally thought, but in his F250 with 2 dual sport bikes & gear in the back. He also said he will probably not complain since he did get the BP Officer's name.srothstein wrote:But the interesting part is that Border Patrol also has no legal authority to run traffic. They are not LEO's in Texas and cannot write traffic tickets. They can arrest under some conditions (like a felony in their presence). This is why there was no citation issued. If they accused him of a traffic violation, they were lying or abusing their authority. Your friend can complain to the are supervisor, but I doubt (unfortunately) that it will do much good.
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- Mon Feb 28, 2011 11:41 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: Border Patrol Probable Cause
- Replies: 19
- Views: 3382
Re: Border Patrol Probable Cause
- Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:10 pm
- Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
- Topic: Border Patrol Probable Cause
- Replies: 19
- Views: 3382
Border Patrol Probable Cause
My apologies if this is in the wrong place, Mods feell free to move it.
A friend of mine on another forum(motorcycle) was down in the Big Bend area near Study Butte heading back to the DFW area very early Sunday morning. Time was around 3:30 AM. said he made the turn off 170 on to 118 heading north when he was tailgated by a BP. I am assuming he was on the bike. He did everything right proper turn signal, full stop at the stop sign, and running under the speed limit. When the road went to 2 lane he pulled over slowed down to get the tailgater with high beams on to pass. Instead he backed off for a mile or so then roared up again lighting him up with red & blues. Turned it was in fact a BP and said reason for tailgating was to get lcense number. No citation was issued.
Do Border Patrol agents need probable cause for a stop just as regular LEO's do or they exempt? I suggested he report the insident to a supervisor. What are your thoughts?
A friend of mine on another forum(motorcycle) was down in the Big Bend area near Study Butte heading back to the DFW area very early Sunday morning. Time was around 3:30 AM. said he made the turn off 170 on to 118 heading north when he was tailgated by a BP. I am assuming he was on the bike. He did everything right proper turn signal, full stop at the stop sign, and running under the speed limit. When the road went to 2 lane he pulled over slowed down to get the tailgater with high beams on to pass. Instead he backed off for a mile or so then roared up again lighting him up with red & blues. Turned it was in fact a BP and said reason for tailgating was to get lcense number. No citation was issued.
Do Border Patrol agents need probable cause for a stop just as regular LEO's do or they exempt? I suggested he report the insident to a supervisor. What are your thoughts?