Anyone with a shred of politeness will think it's a colostomy bag or a deformity. (Of course, anyone with a shred of politeness would not be asking that kind of question in the first place.)
One thing to keep in mind is that you are always thinking about whether you're "printing," but nobody else is thinking about whether someone at the party is carrying a weapon.
Most people, if they are inveterate "touchers," are going to think it's a wallet.
You can protect your weapon from accidental touching by keeping a hand poised in the appropriate location (wherever that happens to be). It quicky becomes a habit.
Assuming for the sake of discussion that you are a right-handed man and carry at 4 o'clock:
- Put your right hand in your right side pants pocket. This action rumples your clothing so bulges don't stand out.
- If you're wearing a jacket, put your hand in the right side pocket of the jacket.
- Put you right hand on your hip at 3 o'clock with your elbow pointing rearward.
- Fold your hands behind your back.
- At a party, hold a drink in your right hand at your waist level, again with your elbow pointing rearward.
- If your wife is cool with your carrying, use her as a human shield.
Stand to her left and put your arm around her waist, or let her put her left arm around your waist.
Edited to correct typos.