Under bridges.gigag04 wrote:Where do trolls live?
Sheesh, what do they teach in school these days?
Maybe the guy took the advice of several people and shut up until the issue is resolved.
- Jim
Return to “Failed to immediately show CHL”
Under bridges.gigag04 wrote:Where do trolls live?
Well, not too many lawyers work Sundays, and most legal issues move at the proverbial snail's pace. The process of suspending a CHL has a built-in 30-day period for appeal after the license-holder is notified.dicion wrote:Call a lawyer. Now. As in, if you arent dialing as you read this, start.
You can do that, but don't be surprised if you wake up in jail with a headache, especially in a place like Houston.Beiruty wrote:If asked anything in your car, say yeah sure, some gas and oil, anything else is of not concern to you sir, if you insist on searching my car, please get a search warrant.
There's nothing to go to trial for. He wasn't charged with a crime.surprise_i'm_armed wrote:Does anyone on the forum think he should somehow document to HPD that this case is
going to trial so they don't destroy his gun?