frazzled wrote:A full size pistol is going to be terribly difficult to conceal on a daily basis with IWB. If you can’t wear a jacket and want to physically carry at all times I’d proffer:
1. Get a gun belt that works. Beltman and others have belts that fit the bill but also pass just fine as dress belts.
2. Get an IWB holster. Cross breed and Minotaur make excellent models.
3. I’d recommend getting a smaller pistol for that daily carry. Kahr and Walther both make excellent single column 9mms that are an inch or less thick and weigh 19 ounces or less. There are also several double column sub compacts as well (Glock, Springfield’s XD, Beretta, Taurus, RUger, and Sig off hand) that are also lightweight.
Good gun belt will make a big difference.