stephengauntt wrote:Does the new law apply to employees of a university keeping guns in cars on staff lots
As I understand things yes, it applies.
A university is NOT a school district, an open-enrollment charter school, or a private school, as defined by Section 22.081 (§ 22.081. DEFINITION. In this subchapter, "private school" means a school that: (1) offers a course of instruction for students in one or more grades from prekindergarten through grade 12; and (2) is not operated by a governmental entity.).
Now here's my situation, somebody please tell me if I go wrong somewhere:
I am employed by Central Texas College so I'm protected in a campus parking lot as long as that lot is not on federal property, such as Fort Hood. Correct?
Central Texas College has a contract with Windham School District ( ) to provide college classes to offenders inside of TDCJ units. Windham has a no firearms policy and I am not protected in a Windham parking lot because I am a contract employee. Correct? It also calls itself a school district but I'm not sure it meets the legal criteria since it is not really private, not really public and all adult.
I would also be considered a contract employee at TDCJ so I am not protected in their (not gated or guarded) employee parking lot either, correct?
What about a Central Texas College regional office, which is not guarded or gated and is open to the general public, located on TDCJ property where I park in a TDCJ visitor parking lot (also not guarded or gated)?
Most of my time is spent on a TDCJ unit but sometimes I travel and prefer to do that armed. Especially in Killeen. Maybe next year I'll be able to carry on campus too?!?