When I met my wife, she hated guns and thought they were all the evil in the world, this is because her mother hated guns because they're "dangerous" and her father didn't have any in the house because of it. It was a difficult subject to bring up that I had a 12-guage, let alone I kept it loaded and under my bed. On valentines day a couple months of dating her we went to the local shooting range with a .22 revolver and while initally hesitent and frightened, after about 200 rounds downrange she actually enjoyed shooting a little bit. Fast forward 6 and a half years and she just took her CHL class with her stolen (from me

As for the demonizing of women, I don't think that's the case. It's the demonizing of guns that has happened over the years. She is not the problem just like guns aren't the problem. She has obviously has some mis-information about them and prbably doesn't understand them. Now she may not care to understand them, but as TAM pointed out earlier, someone who you're sharing your life with may not agree with what you believe, but I think that they (and you) should at least try to understand why they feel that way and see if they truly dislike it, or if they have bad information. I've tried many things I didn't like since I met my wife, and she has tried many things that she didn't like, in the end we have both been enriched by the experiances, changed both of our outlooks on various subjects, and our relationship is stronger for trying those things together which is the whole point of having a relationship, isn't it?