Flightmare wrote:Lena wrote:I would attend if closer but 2 hrs 1 way for me is a tad far, sure like to see one on the east side somewhere garland, Rockwall or??
Once this first one is established and we're sure it's not going to just die out if we spawn off a second one, I think we'll look at doing one in the northeast. It's a 50 mile one-way trip for me from Plano.
Once again, I press for one in the Mid-Cities (DFW Airport area). This location is equidistant for all that might attend. There's a reason it's called the Mid-Cities. To me it makes more sense to have one central location, than to have 3 or 4 different breakfasts where you only get to meet a third or quarter of the folks you would meet at a central location. A central location means all have to travel a little, but no one should have to travel a lot. Just MHO, and in the interest in full disclosure, I live near DFW airport