That's the best plan if you can do it. This was my first extension. The beginning of April came and I still didn't have one K-1 so I filed the extension. Then I got lazy.jmra wrote:Filed mine the other day. Plan on filing early next year.

That's the best plan if you can do it. This was my first extension. The beginning of April came and I still didn't have one K-1 so I filed the extension. Then I got lazy.jmra wrote:Filed mine the other day. Plan on filing early next year.
That's funny. I was thinking about Dallas 50 years ago.MoJo wrote:"I smoked his butt" means "I fired him" in constructioneese. (An obscure English Dialect spoken mostly by Carpenters, Electricians, and Plumbers)
Gibbs can be a pain in the donkey.docbrazos wrote:Probably at first it was to make it so much easier to purchase firearms. Glad even today I don't have to go through the NCIS background bull.
Maybe this is your opportunity to turn your profession into a full time job. When God closes a door....un0fficial wrote:I'm specifically looking for Weekends/Overnights due to my profession
Thanks to 18 U.S.C. § 925(a)(1), being a LEO is no guarantee of a clean record.johnferg69 wrote:So even LEO have to do a background check without a chl??
Worst. Valentines Day. Gift. Ever.mikea861 wrote:If I got a dwi in February 2008