Search found 242 matches

by SwimFan85
Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:12 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Tax Reminder
Replies: 5
Views: 2141

Re: Tax Reminder

jmra wrote:Filed mine the other day. Plan on filing early next year.
That's the best plan if you can do it. This was my first extension. The beginning of April came and I still didn't have one K-1 so I filed the extension. Then I got lazy. :banghead:
by SwimFan85
Sun Oct 13, 2013 5:00 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Tax Reminder
Replies: 5
Views: 2141

Tax Reminder

If you filed an extension, your tax return is due Tuesday. There is no additional extension for the shutdown." onclick=";return false; The Internal Revenue Service site is still up if yo...
by SwimFan85
Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:49 pm
Forum: New to CHL?
Topic: Reason you decided to get CHL ?
Replies: 155
Views: 40152

Re: Reason you decided to get CHL ?

I got mine when I found out Texas didn't have any kind of unlicensed carry for civilians.
by SwimFan85
Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:47 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: Question about smoking a Boston Butt
Replies: 20
Views: 3575

Re: Question about smoking a Boston Butt

MoJo wrote:"I smoked his butt" means "I fired him" in constructioneese. (An obscure English Dialect spoken mostly by Carpenters, Electricians, and Plumbers) :tiphat:
That's funny. I was thinking about Dallas 50 years ago.
by SwimFan85
Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:43 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Poll: Why did you get your CHL?
Replies: 26
Views: 6304

Re: Poll: Why did you get your CHL?

docbrazos wrote:Probably at first it was to make it so much easier to purchase firearms. Glad even today I don't have to go through the NCIS background bull.
Gibbs can be a pain in the donkey.
by SwimFan85
Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:42 pm
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: Any kydex workers in here?
Replies: 7
Views: 3720

Re: Any kydex workers in here?

Kydex is easy to work but can be time consuming to make pretty. If you only care how it functions, you can do it yourself with a little effort and some patience. Making it look good takes more of both, so it's worthwhile to me to pay somebody else if looks matter. I did one for my multi-tool becaus...
by SwimFan85
Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:31 pm
Forum: Never Again!!
Topic: One in the pipe - do you do it?
Replies: 132
Views: 30259

Re: One in the pipe - do you do it?

I once shoved a 12ga shell up someone's tail pipe to thank him for making a hole in my bumper with his failure hitch.
by SwimFan85
Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:27 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: OH: The dead walk among us
Replies: 21
Views: 4197

Re: OH: The dead walk among us

It's a serious situation. No laughing matter. Especially those jalapenos.

by SwimFan85
Sun Oct 13, 2013 4:10 pm
Forum: Hunting Photos
Topic: Hunting License System Outage
Replies: 0
Views: 2407

Hunting License System Outage

No photos but I thought this would get to the right audience. Texas hunting and fishing licenses cannot be purchased between 9 p.m. (CDT) Saturday, October 19 and 9 a.m. Sunday, October 20. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department licensing system will be down for maintenance. Anyone planning to hun...
by SwimFan85
Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:42 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: People that get complacent with firearms
Replies: 20
Views: 3446

Re: People that get complacent with firearms

I am in favor of the Ruger semiauto design, where the gun doesnt fire, when the magazine is removed, even when a round is in the chamber. That should be a mandatory feature of all new guns produced. I think it should be mandatory for people who want to impose dangerous things on me for "my saf...
by SwimFan85
Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:36 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Private Property Posted Parking
Replies: 36
Views: 6255

Re: Private Property Posted Parking

If a company that does business with the public in a manner such as retail sales posts its parking lot 30.06, I will not do business with that company. There is very little that cannot be ordered off of the internet these days. Buying products at a physical, brick-and-mortar location is a convenien...
by SwimFan85
Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:33 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: 2011: The Handgun
Replies: 31
Views: 6339

Re: 2011: The Handgun

I think it's kind of fun as an exercise in excess. Sort of like the Dodge Tomahawk, it's one of those totally useless, completely over the top, "just because we can" sort of things. Does it do ANYTHING better than other choices that are already out there? No. Would anyone with two brain c...
by SwimFan85
Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:24 pm
Forum: Job Board
Topic: Just lost my job.. DFW
Replies: 13
Views: 3772

Re: Just lost my job.. DFW

un0fficial wrote:I'm specifically looking for Weekends/Overnights due to my profession
Maybe this is your opportunity to turn your profession into a full time job. When God closes a door....

Good luck either way.
by SwimFan85
Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:16 pm
Forum: 2013 Texas Legislative Session
Topic: Lowering CHL fees
Replies: 44
Views: 9119

Re: Lowering CHL fees

johnferg69 wrote:So even LEO have to do a background check without a chl??
Thanks to 18 U.S.C. § 925(a)(1), being a LEO is no guarantee of a clean record.
by SwimFan85
Sat Jan 26, 2013 4:10 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Can I get a CHL???
Replies: 14
Views: 2821

Re: Can I get a CHL???

mikea861 wrote:If I got a dwi in February 2008
Worst. Valentines Day. Gift. Ever.

I think it's a five year waiting period after the disposition, not the arrest, for A and B misdemeanors.

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