Check out this low cost edc knife -" onclick=";return false;wninja wrote:I carried a SOG Flash II that I got from Lowe's for about a year and a half until the blade eventually had some play when the blade was deployed and locked in the open position. So it was time for a new knife. The Flash II was only $50 from Lowe's but I decided to avoid their knives altogether.
I really can't put my finger on whether it is their quality in general for the lower tiered knives or if I just use the heck out of knives. My knives get used daily and I drop them every now and again too. They literally get run into the ground.
Working in a warehouse, I prefer a small bladed knife that I can clip on the pants pocket rather than having a bulky box cutter/utility knife in my pockets. The SOG at yugster would fit the bill, except for that price tag. I recently purchased a Kershaw Scallion 1620 from eBay for something like $25 dollars and I've really taken a liking to it. It's not as aggressively shaped as the BL-01, but so far it gets the job done.
I'm waiting for the day this knife gets run into the ground too, cuz if that day comes it just means I get to buy another knife. And if it doesn't, that means I got a heck of a bargain for $25.
Nutnfancy review here - " onclick=";return false;