I actually don't even use my work computer for browsing anything but internal sites. But its not because of worrying about who's watching me, its just that its Windowsaustin-tatious wrote:As a software professional, I do not EVER use my work computers for anything but work...no matter how innocent I think it is. If management wants, it's very easy to see what I'm doing or my browsing history (including passwords and account numbers). If you really really have to view something not work related at work use 3G and 4G wireless. OTW, wait until you can access a work independent network.

One other thing that I've done in situations like this is to use HotSpot Shield. It gives you a VPN through the network that you are on so that you are safe from snooping from anyone that might be watching your traffic. Also gets you past the various controls that they might have in place. If you are able to do the right routing stuff, you can even set it up so that you can get to the external network through the VPN tunnel and the internal network through the local net. That's what I did for a couple years at one customer site.