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by E.Marquez
Tue Apr 20, 2010 10:37 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Great LEO contact tonight
Replies: 6
Views: 1657

Great LEO contact tonight

Out tonight to get my son from mens league basketball and got lit up in Lampasas.. Not a big deal, turn signal, inside light on windows down, hands on steering wheel...LEO told me I had a license plate light out would I like to get out and look? No thanks sir, I believe you no issue.. mid 20's guy.... asked me for license,,,told him it was in my back left hand pocket.. handed him my DL, CHL and MIL ID... pretty sure he was not expecting to walk up on a lowered 2005 Mustang out at night in the area I was in and find a 44 year old CHL carrying Sergeant Major in the US Army :mrgreen:

Very polite and professional,, ran my DL.. came back, wrote me a deserved warning thanked me for my service to the country and away I went.

I have no doubt it was a basic fishing trip stop.. I deserved to be stopped,, and he did his job by checking me out, DUI, stolen, wants and warrants ect..

Start to finish I was there 8 min.. :patriot:
Thank you officer.....I'll be calling your supervisor in the morning and letting him know.... I was impressed with your professional attitude and performance of your duties.

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