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by E.Marquez
Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:15 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky
Replies: 42
Views: 6653

Re: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky

handog wrote: I would just let it go and try to stay off the road late at night.
Really? So we should self restrict our selfs from interstate movement because of an outside, unlawful opinion of another?

Not in my life time...not now, not ever. Much like the government putting up signs at the boarder and telling citizens that that part of the US is off limits or otherwise not advised, due to criminal activity they have no intention of doing anything about.

or the attitude seen here a few times that amounted to... Don't go out late at night, drive after dark, go though that town,, cuz you might get pulled over, threatened, arrested, car jacked?
Really? Choose not to move though your own town, state, at will because of an unlawful outside influence? Never.

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