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by E.Marquez
Wed Oct 06, 2010 12:34 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Ex DPS TRP Perez charged
Replies: 42
Views: 8223

Re: Ex DPS TRP Perez charged

sjfcontrol wrote:
bronco78 wrote:I dare say, many here who have grown up, are parents, live a very active life style, have at one point moved, used more force than intended to get a fellow human to go or do what they believed was right…. The differences is, you were not a LEO and caught on tape doing it. .. Nor was I…
Oh yeah? Try taking your 3-year-old kid into the emergency room for a broken/dislocated arm after "using more force than intended". See how you're treated then. You don't need to be caught on tape to have "excessive force" issues.

(NOT speaking from experience here... :shock: )
Not what I had in mind when I wrote my post.
And for the record I have taken my 3 year old to the ER with head lacerations (fell off a table), 10 year old to the ER for a broken foot, 14 year old Broken arms ....both of them.. broken sternum, broken wrist, twice, various lacerations, etc etc.. I suppose not looking like a dirt bag, not appearing to be a sedentary couch potato, not having the boys crying abuse, and often coming into the ER for services still wearing snow board gear, MX gear, baseball uniforms… keeps the DOC’s from asking stupid questions like that.

But I have "assisted" a person out of the way, with greater force then intended. I did not, nor ever would advocate or justify causing physical harm to a child... I did not, nor will I justify as "allowable" what Mr Perez did in that video tape. He over reacted to her resistance, He was heavy handed for sure. The question is, by intent and malice or frustrating and ignorance.. This a jury will decide.
by E.Marquez
Wed Oct 06, 2010 9:40 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Ex DPS TRP Perez charged
Replies: 42
Views: 8223

Re: Ex DPS TRP Perez charged

Not a LEO, IANAL, and I don’t know trooper Perez...
..From just a few seconds of video tape available....It would appear he lost his temper at the woman’s verbal abuse and physical resistance.. I'd say he meant to turn her and put her back on to the wall as she was prior to starting the walk to the car... I think he did so with much more force then he intended..He now has to deal with the unintended consequences of his actions.

Did he with malice and intention slam her head first into the wall?? Not from what I saw..
Did he slam her head first into the wall? Yup, he sure did. I dare say, many here who have grown up, are parents, live a very active life style, have at one point moved, used more force than intended to get a fellow human to go or do what they believed was right…. The differences is, you were not a LEO and caught on tape doing it. .. Nor was I…
Trooper Perez, you screwed the pooch... and yes, you should be held accountable for your actions..

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