The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing- Edmund Burkeanygunanywhere wrote:Some people think you have to be a streamlined low drag super operator outfitted with the finest tac gear to do any good in any situation.
He needed not be a hero, what ever that word means to the reader..
He simply needed to do something... He may have died, he may have lived, but it was both his duty as the officer assigned, and his duty as a human.
Its true, most reading this forum every day, will never actually know if they can run to the sound of gun fire or freeze/run away.. And thats a good thing in that, I hope you never have the need to find out. A few reading the forum already know, that makes them nothing special, just having been at the right (wrong) place at the right(wrong) time and thus more aware. Im confident what I would do, I don't think that makes me better than one who has not yet had to make the decision...
Going into the building to do something would not in itself have made him a hero, but staying outside does forever mark him as having acted cowardly that day.