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by SQLGeek
Wed Apr 22, 2015 4:09 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Starting Police Academy
Replies: 122
Views: 30501

Re: Starting Police Academy

I haven't been around much but I'm glad to see you made it and are progressing through field training. Have a great career!
by SQLGeek
Fri Jun 20, 2014 12:31 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Starting Police Academy
Replies: 122
Views: 30501

Re: Starting Police Academy

1s1k52 wrote:
I haven't had to shave consistently in over 10 years so even using no scent no die sensitive skin lotion and a sharp schick quatro I am razor burning bad making sweating miserable.
You might want to consider using a badger hair brush and a high quality soap such as this ... ganic.aspx" onclick=";return false; . You mix some soap and water in a mug and work it into a lather with the brush.

It will cost a little more and take a little more time, which I'm sure is at a premium but your face may react better to this. Brushing on the soap helps raise the facial hair off of the skin, making it easier to shave. Also if you're not already, make sure you shave with the grain of the hair on the first pass. That may help also.
I will say one thing about the health care, it is expensive and making me question whether I should try and go back to my old job. That is the only thing really tripping me up. The physical and mental hurdles ahead are all expected so I fill fail out before quitting.
I take it you are COBRAing your old plan? Not knowing your financial or personal situation at all, would it make sense to search for a high deductible plan that has a lower premium? The obvious downside is that you'll pay more out of pocket for regular medical services. I'm just spitballing some ideas for you.
electric razor (I have had a beard for a better of 10 years)
This may or may not work for you. I never have been able to get an electric to give me a close enough shave to be acceptable. Usually it looks like a 5 o'clock shadow after finishing shaving.

Take some names!

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