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by muleman
Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:12 pm
Forum: General Texas CHL Discussion
Topic: Whole Foods Gun Policy
Replies: 108
Views: 24659

Re: Whole Foods Gun Policy

drjoker wrote:
teds787 wrote:
The Annoyed Man wrote:Is she uncomfortable with the idea of your carrying a gun?
She thinks it's unnecessary. She keeps saying she has lived in some pretty scary places abroad just fine without a gun and the US is way safer than those places. I agree that the US is a pretty safe place, but then I say, "Complacency is a very bad idea." and, "I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it." So, she makes fun of me and I carry. :patriot:

Ted S
My wife has the exact same attitude towards guns. Watch out! She may sell your guns when you're not look'in if y'all git hitched!

Anyways, as long as she believes in freedom and the 2nd amendment, it's ok if she personally has made a choice not to carry. My wife has a CHL only to let our legislators know not to mess with the 2nd amendment and our freedoms. However, she dislikes guns personally (not politically, though) and never carries. We don't have any guns at home, but I've stashed a pistol with the neighbors (shh.... don't let her know!). :biggrinjester:

Kidding right?? :confused5

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