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by kw5kw
Tue May 19, 2009 10:56 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Fact check on traffic stops in Texas
Replies: 25
Views: 5899

Re: Fact check on traffic stops in Texas

txfireguy2003 wrote:I've been stopped a few times, never been asked for my SSN. Also, worked as a police dispatcher for 3 years before getting my current job. There is no SSN on the DL, or listed on any DL return from the state IIRC. The ONLY legitimate reason I can think of for him requesting that information is that someone with the same or similar name had a warrant which listed the SSN for some reason. If that were the case, the officer likely would not tell you, due to the probability of a fight if you were in fact the person in question. They don't like to tell you that you're under arrest until you're in cuffs.
DPS can and do run by SSN in our DDL system.
by kw5kw
Tue May 19, 2009 10:56 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Fact check on traffic stops in Texas
Replies: 25
Views: 5899

Re: Fact check on traffic stops in Texas

G.C.Montgomery wrote:Y'all forgive me if I missed this in a previous thread. I'm checking into whether or not it's "normal" or if it is reasonable for an officer to ask for a driver's SSN during a traffic stop under threat of arrest for not complying. Any help would be appreciated.
To answer: "Yes."

If, for example, you don't have your DL, then, at the DPS, we can run you by Name, Race, Sex, Gender, DOB or by SSN to come up with a DL. Second, if a CCH has been requested, then they come up by "soundex" name, race, sex, gender, dob... at time with some names we can receive multiple possible CCH's --- and they have the SSN on them, so the only way to sort out if a person has a CCH is by SSN.

Thanks for asking.

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