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by Valhalla1
Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:46 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky
Replies: 42
Views: 6564

Re: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky

karl wrote:
TX Penal Code wrote:PC §46.02. UNLAWFUL CARRYING WEAPONS. (a) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly car- ries on or about his or her person a handgun, illegal knife, or club if the person is not:
(1) on the person's own premises or premises under the person's control; or
(2) inside of or directly en route to a motor vehicle that is owned by the person or under the person's control.
(a-1) A person commits an offense if the person intentionally, knowingly, or recklessly carries on or about his or her person a handgun in a motor vehicle that is owned by the person or under the person's control at any time in which:
(1) the handgun is in plain view; or (2) the person is:
(A) engaged in criminal activity, other than a Class C misdemeanor that is a violation of a law or ordinance regulating traffic;
(B) prohibited by law from possessing a firearm; or (C) a member of a criminal street gang, as defined by Section
So wasn't the officer partially correct? Sure, the guy was mostly hot air but it seems to be partially grounded in truth. Thoughts?

thanks for the information, I supposed it'd be up to a court to interpret those laws but it seems the police over here have decided how they feel it reads and tailored their policies accordingly
by Valhalla1
Sun Sep 19, 2010 12:43 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky
Replies: 42
Views: 6564

Re: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky

92f-fan wrote:
Valhalla1 wrote:I do drive a fast truck (ford f150 svt)
I assume its a Lightning ? Lightning owners cant be trusted... LOL

yep, a black 2000 Lightning. But its 10 years old now with 100k miles on it, already blew one spark plug and an $1100 helicoil fix later and I no longer 'drive it like I stole it' but its still my baby
by Valhalla1
Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:43 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky
Replies: 42
Views: 6564

Re: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky

by the way this was the second time I've been pulled over since I got my plastic and started carrying. The first time was totally fine though - was on the same street but during the day, and by a motorcycle cop who noticed my registration sticker was expired as I drove by. He pulled me over, I showed him my DL and CHL and said I have a weapon in my pocket. He just said its no problem as long as I dont reach for it. He pointed out my registration sticker, I pointed to my passenger seat where I had my new plates and sticker I had got the day before but not yet put on. He didn't bother to run my DL# or anything and just said 'ok, put em on when you get a chance' and sent me on my way, took maybe 90 seconds.
by Valhalla1
Sat Sep 18, 2010 2:24 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky
Replies: 42
Views: 6564

Re: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky

well playing it back in my head now I am quite sure they were saying I was on the razors edge of being charged with illegally carrying a firearm, because of the speech about class B's and the other guys curt summary of "your CHL won't mean anything"

also once it got to the point of me showing my DL and CHL it became 100% about the gun, disarming me, positioning me hands up back of truck while covered on all sides while they checked everything out. never asked for proof of insurance, registration, where are you going, where are you coming from, the standard things. It was all about the gun and what I should not be doing while carrying it, and then chatting about lasers - the second officer was curious about built in lasers, I said he could get a lasermax guide rod replacement for his issued glock, but he said it wouldn't hold up to their brutal training regiment. He said they buy a shotgun for training and it might last only 15 minutes. I just said ok and nodded, while in my head thinking :roll: .

also I was trying to look back over my shoulder when I heard him both unloading and re-loading and re-chambering my gun behind me, but couldn't see him due to the spotlight on my face. I was just praying he wasn't sweeping me with the muzzle or having his finger in the trigger guard. This was also the first time in my life I felt old at 28 years old, the officer who pulled me over and was handling my weapon the whole time looked like he was a skinny 18 year old, but surely you have to be at least 21, but I was telling him "yes sir" this and "no sir" that and thinking I've never dealt with an authority figure younger than me until now :???:
by Valhalla1
Sat Sep 18, 2010 1:58 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky
Replies: 42
Views: 6564

Re: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky

they explained if someone is carrying while you are committing a crime of of class B or worse then they would would charged with carrying a firearm illegally, CHL or not. Is this incorrect information ? I just took their word for it, and assumed they thought I was out racing or something (small city, the kids race their mustangs and what not on the weekends), and I do drive a fast truck (ford f150 svt) but I was just trying to get home, around midnight with no little traffic around. san angelo, tx for what its worth
by Valhalla1
Sat Sep 18, 2010 12:20 am
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky
Replies: 42
Views: 6564

pulled over, temporarily disarmed, was told I was lucky

so I was headed home from the gf's house, I admit I was eager to get home and was likely speeding a little bit, but nothing drastic and there was no traffic about. Look up in my rearview and see the red and blue lights barreling down on me with sirens blaring. Get the spotlight on me as I roll the windows down and rest my hands on the wheel. Meanwhile two more police cars have pulled up and I'm surrounded. Give him my chl and dl and tell him I have a gun in my left pocket. He has me exit the vehicle with my hands on the door, and he reached into my pockets and took my pistol. Has me stand behind my truck as he unloads it onto his car hood, and pats me down for further weapons.
At this point he says, "keltec? ruger?" I say yep, Ruger LCP. He explains I was racing or driving recklessly and he had to "go 80 just to catch me". I remain calm and explain I wasn't sure how fast I was going but that I'm normally a safe driver. (while knowing I probably was doing 5-10 over). He says if you are driving recklessly and carrying, they can charge me with illegally carrying. Another officer who had flanked me to my right speaks up and says "Basically what he means is, if you're out here driving recklessly, your CHL doesn't mean anything. I just say 'I understand'.

I never acknowledged that I was speeding or doing anything illegal, I said I wasn't watching my speedometer but I was pretty sure I was going the speed limit, and I ask if there is a radar. He then realizes I'm not going to incriminate myself by admitting to speeding verbally, and says "You're lucky, I'm going to cut you a huge break. I don't have a radar in my car so I'm not going to charge you with reckless driving" and gives me a speech about how if you are doing anything illegal (worse than class b misdemeanor) while carrying, then they charge you with carrying illegally despite the CHL. I explained that I understood, and I said that I respected the job they do. He appreciated that I was calm and followed all the procedures, etc. Then he gets to checking out my Ruger LCP, asking me about the laser. We start talking guns a bit and the tension lightens significantly and finally he sends me on my way with a warning. He re-loads my pistol and puts it under my passenger seat, and says I can get it after I pull away and pull off the road. He says if I am going to be out racing, to leave the gun at home. Hand shakes all around, and I'm on my way.

so in summary, keep your cool, play by the rules, but don't ever verbally admit to speeding or any other traffic violation, they are trained to get you to verbally admit something they can use against you. And drive safely, seems at least in these parts the police are quick to jump to the 'reckless driving' conclusion on just about any traffic stop, which apparently is enough to lose your CHL and possibly be charged for carrying illegally.

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