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by chasfm11
Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:48 am
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: The Kangaroocarry Holster....Whats your thoughts.
Replies: 21
Views: 4305

Re: The Kangaroocarry Holster....Whats your thoughts.

Purplehood wrote:
C-dub wrote:I have one around here somewhere. I used it several times and never got used to the feeling that it was going to fall out if I leaned the slightest bit forward and one time my G27 did. Good thing my belt was tight and my tucked in shirt held it in. In the bottom of the drawer it went.
Didn't yours have the little velcro-strap thingie to secure the weapon in the pouch? Or are you simply saying that even with it in use, it felt like it was going to fall out?
The strap feels too secure to me and I tuck it under the pouch and don't use it.
When I first bought it, I unloaded the gun, put it into the holster and without a shirt on, moved around a lot of different ways. I tried bending over, twisting, getting up from a kneeing position, etc. It never felt like the gun was going to fall out. I do agree with the comment about the magazine being difficult to deal with. I tuck the retention strap, too.

Bald Eagle, I understand your comments about it feeling like a bra or a girdle. I will admit that it wasn't comfortable for me the first couple of times that I used it but since it was a matter of the Kangaroo or nothing, I just lived with it. After a number of hours of wearing it, it has become like the IWB. I know that it is there but it doesn't get in the way or bother me. I just keep remembering that the alternative would be to have the gun in the safe.
by chasfm11
Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:17 pm
Forum: Holsters & Accessories
Topic: The Kangaroocarry Holster....Whats your thoughts.
Replies: 21
Views: 4305

Re: The Kangaroocarry Holster....Whats your thoughts.

If you follow the various threads, it sure looks like many folks have tried many different types of holsters. I guess I'm guilty, too, and I've only been legal to carry since last August. I bought a fanny pack (which I really carry at 1-2 oclock), a Minotaur IWB and the Kangaroo Karry. My reactions to the latter are:
1. There are times when I cannot get the Minotaur to work for me with just a dress shirt on. The Kangaroo does much better
2. Drawing from the Kangaroo is much different than the IWB (or the fanny pack, for that matter). I found that I had to practice quite a bit when I first got the Kangaroo to feel comfortable with it. I still take time out to practice with it.
3. Depending on what you are wearing, accessibility to the Kangaroo can be an issue. I don't know that I'd even consider it if I had layers on (example: shirt and jacket.) With just one top garment, it seems to work OK. I'm definitely a little slower with it than with the IWB.

My preference it the IWB. I'm a lot faster with it and it is comfortable under most conditions. If I'm concerned about concealment (top garment barely makes it to my belt line when I'm standing up), the Kangaroo is a good alternative. I've also found that it is much better in "hugging" situations. There is less chance that there is going to be contact with my gun, especially with shorter women. The concealment is better with the Kangaroo. My wife can sometimes spot the IWB. She has never picked out the Kangaroo.

The only real negative I have is on the spare mag. Putting it in when the Kangaroo is already on can be a pain. I probably don't use the Kangaroo over 10% of the time but when I need it, I'm glad that I have it.

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