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by chasfm11
Sat Aug 24, 2019 6:58 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Man trespassed for life from ALL Walmarts for OCing a holstered handgun
Replies: 59
Views: 18060

Re: Man trespassed for life from ALL Walmarts for OCing a holstered handgun

C-dub wrote: Fri Aug 23, 2019 6:39 pm For those of you that know me, don't laugh at this.

I try not to draw attention to myself most of the time.

When I'm CCing I try even more at that.

And here's the ironic part, when I'm OCing I try even harder to not draw attention to myself.
:iagree: I was in line at a pharmacy, standing back from the counter as the signs there request that you do. One of the clerks was waiting on another customer at the counter and the next thing I knew, both she and the customer walked out into the shelving area in the center of the store. She said the the assembled line " I'll be right back."

Meanwhile, some burly, sort of scruffy looking guy in a Harley shirt (no disrespect intended here) walks in and walks up to the counter, ignoring the line. The fellow behind me starts in on me " are you in line? If you are in line, you need to get up there." No way was I going to confront the line barger with a concealed gun on my hip. Sometimes, all it takes is reminding someone that there is a line to set them of. I felt like I was in a situation where no matter what I did, I was going to end up in a confrontation with one of these guys. My rule is that doesn't happen when I'm carrying. I especially never raise my voice above normal talking tone. Like you, C-dub, the people on the forum who know me know that I'm anything but a shrinking wall-flower. When I OC, I take this to the next level.

Regarding the original situation, I see a lot of parallels between it and the Erik Scott murder in Las Vegas. There, a Costco employee over reacted to an accidental concealed gun exposure and the police showed up in force and took stupidity to a much higher level. I'm just not willing to risk initiating that kind of scene.

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