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by Texas Dan Mosby
Wed Dec 08, 2010 10:27 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Disarming the public...
Replies: 55
Views: 9019

Re: Disarming the public...

I have to say seeing a post like this makes me seriously question peoples intelligence and critical thinking ability.

What exactly are you in doubt about?

The belief that "it can't happen here", or perhaps that the Leninists within the democratic party want to deny the right to keep and bear arms to the citizens of our nation? It CAN happen here, if WE become complacent.
The paranoia of "obamas gonna take our guns" is the same that was heard during the Clinton administration.
The same Clinton administration that passed the 1994 "assault" weapons ban under a democratic congress, which, fortunately expired in 04' and was NOT renewed despite the best efforts of democratic/Leninist senator Feinstein from the peoples republic of Kalifornia.

The arguments are counterproductive and damage the credibly of the people making the who I believe are good, albeit misguided people.
There is nothing misguided about monitoring the individuals who are empowered to pass legislation that can effect our culture, our way of life, rights, and our very freedom as citizens and a nation.

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