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by NOS
Wed Jul 21, 2010 5:56 pm
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Single stack 9mm help for small hands.
Replies: 48
Views: 7522

Re: Single stack 9mm help for small hands.

Embalmo wrote:
NOS wrote:Taurus 709 slim. My wife has small hands (probably not as small as yours does) however my 13 year old daughter shoots this gun just fine. It is 19oz. unloaded holds 7+1 and shoots very well. It has mixed reviews because a lot of people don't clean the gun before they take it to the range. Taurus packs a lot of grease in the slide. I have about 700 rounds or so in the gun with zero malfunctions, and am looking into another soon. Hope this helps :tiphat:
Hmm. I've always assumed the 709 Slim came with a stout kick. Though not a 9, my wife's Bersa .380 kicks like a water gun.

I haven't had any problems with my wife and daughter shooting it in terms of recoil. It tends to twist a little more than most because of how thin the gun is and the size of the grip. The twist is only noticeable if you are used to a full size or mid size pistol, and then it is very slight. My daughter went from a .22 S&W revolver to the PT709 with no problem (that was the first pistol above a .22 she ever shot). Grip and form are everything with a small pistol. Shoot it right and you won't have any problems. The slide is a little high compared to the grip so it takes a little longer to get a follow up shot, but not much longer. My wife shot my Glock 19 and then the Taurus, she said she couldn't feel much difference between the two in terms of felt recoil. It's been a great gun, and I want a new one in stainless now or maybe titanium if I can find one around here. If you have a chance to shoot one, I highly recommend doing so. You won't be disappointed. :tiphat:
by NOS
Wed Jul 21, 2010 7:52 am
Forum: General Gun, Shooting & Equipment Discussion
Topic: Single stack 9mm help for small hands.
Replies: 48
Views: 7522

Re: Single stack 9mm help for small hands.

Taurus 709 slim. My wife has small hands (probably not as small as yours does) however my 13 year old daughter shoots this gun just fine. It is 19oz. unloaded holds 7+1 and shoots very well. It has mixed reviews because a lot of people don't clean the gun before they take it to the range. Taurus packs a lot of grease in the slide. I have about 700 rounds or so in the gun with zero malfunctions, and am looking into another soon. Hope this helps :tiphat:

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