seamusTX wrote:Many needless deaths start out that way. The responsible adult is distracted and the infant drowns, pulls a pot of boiling water down on himself, drinks drain cleaner, wanders into traffic, or finds a loaded handgun.Oldgringo wrote:If I heard the CH 19 sound bite correctly, the ... grandmother got distracted by something...
I think we have ample evidence that children as young as two can pull the trigger on a handgun.
Also they can climb better than anyone can believe until they've seen it.
- Jim

It all starts with the "responsible" adult in the situation. If the adult isn't paying attention, anything can happen. It's sad to hear of children dying because of lack of supervision and judgment from someone responsible for the child's safety. I've had guns around my house since before my daughter was born (she's 14 now), but there has never been a time when they weren't properly locked away. As adults we all sometimes make mistakes when it comes to our children, but an unsecured gun is one mistake that won't happen on my watch. I just wish that these folks had gotten the memo...
It's just so sad that the lesson was learned this way.
I pray for the children and their families, that they find peace in this horrible time.