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by Monker10
Mon Jan 10, 2011 12:05 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shooting"
Replies: 48
Views: 9439

Re: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shoot

RPB wrote:Joe Zamudio is 24 years old, I entered Community College at the age of 26 ...

He ran towards the scene from a store around the corner and chose to get involved, the others merely reacted in self defense and were already there.

The woman, apparently an employee of Giffords, who had to be there, had been shot and was fighting back in SELF DEFENSE(reacting), said she tried. but Joe was the hero who heard gunshots while buying something at Walgreens, ran around the corner to the Safeway store TOWARDS the danger choosing to risk his life to help others instead of going home with his cigarettes from Walgreens, and for securing the gun, when he didn't need to get involved in the first place..

Out of the 4 heroes, which is a responsible mature "college aged" one who CHOSE to be there and secured the gun when others failed, at the risk of his own life?

Also, yes, he was armed, and showed good judgment in not drawing and causing confusion, as
most antis claim would occur ... pretty smart .... for an immature college aged

:iagree: I just saw this info on msnbc of all places. They said he had his gun but did not draw it and was primarily concerned in offering assistance. I hope his good judgement and heroic actions will negate some of the bad rhetoric of the Brady people that chlers are trigger happy yahoos who will cause more damage than good.
by Monker10
Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:28 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shooting"
Replies: 48
Views: 9439

Re: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shoot

Sorry about getting on my soap box. I just had to get out my two cents. ;-)
by Monker10
Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:10 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shooting"
Replies: 48
Views: 9439

Re: Pending Texas Firearms Legislation vs the "Safeway Shoot

There is an awful lot of talk in the news about the extended mags. Though I heard he also had two regular mags for the pistol as well. If anything I fear this might help push policy on ammo capacity restrictions if not worst. Though no matter where this scene would have occur would be tragic it does not help that it occurred in Arizona which just passed legislation that allows any legal law abiding resident of that state to carry a weapon concealed without a permit. The anti gun people will be all over this! I just hope that members of our new congress will keep to their principals and not submit to knee-jerk reactions and use the wisdom to not trample on our natural rights of self defense and freedom of speech when coming up with a solution to prevent this horrific act from occurring again. This just goes to show that first and foremost we are all responsible for the safety of our communities and ourselves such as the brave individuals that would not let evil prevail and tackled the shooter at great personal risk. This people are a great example of American bravery are virtue.

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