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by VMI77
Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:45 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Slaton police arrest woman after request to see warrant
Replies: 119
Views: 16625

Re: Slaton police arrest woman after request to see warrant

SQLGeek wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
Hoosier Daddy wrote:In the second case, why didn't they also take the child into custody.

Weren't they worried he was a flight risk?
This image reflects something lost. It would be just about impossible to take seriously these days. If it was updated the intent would probably be ironic or satirical.
Maybe you just know different cops from the ones I know but I know plenty of officers that would fit in that painting.

Yeah, but that's not the issue. When the painting was made it was a general statement and changing times have made it more specific. My son, for instance, would fit that image if he had decided to pursue a LE career after completing the police academy. So would his friends who are cops --because, for one thing, he wouldn't have any other kind of cop as a friend. I know a couple of old cops who quit being cops because they didn't like the way things are headed. I can see the change in public perception over about the last 15 years. Look at the comments following various articles about situations like this.....15 years ago they were largely supportive of the police, now they're not, and many of those expressing their concerns are white middle class people who believe in the rule-of-law and generally respect lawful authority. I'm ex military --I don't have a problem with lawful authority, but my perception is that there is a lot more "unlawful" authority being exercised these days than there used to be.
by VMI77
Wed Jun 19, 2013 5:36 pm
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Slaton police arrest woman after request to see warrant
Replies: 119
Views: 16625

Re: Slaton police arrest woman after request to see warrant

gigag04 wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
Hoosier Daddy wrote:In the second case, why didn't they also take the child into custody.

Weren't they worried he was a flight risk?
This image reflects something lost. It would be just about impossible to take seriously these days. If it was updated the intent would probably be ironic or satirical.
Because everytime cops walk into a restaurant parents point and say "Imma have that police take you away if you don't behave" and kids are taught to have an irrational fear of cops from a young age. Meanwhile, they take their kids to the fire station and let them play on the trucks...
That's certainly part of it, but it's a chicken and egg thing. The police just don't act the same way they did 40 years ago. I know a DPS officer who retired because he didn't like the way things are going. One problem is that the fear of cops is becoming less and less irrational. Forty years ago a cop would tell a teacher complaining about an NRA t-shirt on a student to get a grip, now they all too often facilitate such irrational behavior. It varies with geography and population density --which is partly a function of the political atmosphere. The stakes are higher too --40 years ago the system didn't set out to ruin the life of a 15 year old because he wore the wrong t-shirt, and the police facilitate and participate in this lunacy to everyone's detriment, including their own. I don't mean to suggest there is anything simple about it, there is a complicated dynamic influenced by many factors changing for the worse.
by VMI77
Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:48 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Slaton police arrest woman after request to see warrant
Replies: 119
Views: 16625

Re: Slaton police arrest woman after request to see warrant

Hoosier Daddy wrote:In the second case, why didn't they also take the child into custody.

Weren't they worried he was a flight risk?
This image reflects something lost. It would be just about impossible to take seriously these days. If it was updated the intent would probably be ironic or satirical.
by VMI77
Sun Jun 16, 2013 11:25 am
Forum: Gun and/or Self-Defense Related Political Issues
Topic: Slaton police arrest woman after request to see warrant
Replies: 119
Views: 16625

Re: Slaton police arrest woman after request to see warrant

talltex wrote:
EEllis wrote:She has no right to see a warrant before an arrest. As long as the police were acting in good faith, if they believed they where acting in accordance with the law even if their actions were later found to be contrary to the law then there wouldn't be any criminal liability. If the officers knew and believed they were operating in contrary to the law then there could be several State and Federal Charges.
Another example where "equal protection under the law" has been transformed into "different strokes for different folks". If an individual violates a law, they are guilty, regardless of whether or not they acted in good faith. "Ignorance of the law is no excuse"...sound familiar? That's the standard our society holds ordinary, untrained citizens too. If THAT is what the legal systems demands of the CITIZENS, then shouldnt those undergoing special training and given special powers and authority to enforce those laws, be held to at least the same standard? In my business, I have to abide by a large number of special laws and regulations, and my failure to do so would result in severe civil and criminal penalties...if I tried to use the excuse that "well I sincerely believed I was doing it right", I 'd be laughed out of court. :grumble

Yes, it should. That is isn't is one of the problems that facilitate such incidents.

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