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by VMI77
Fri Dec 20, 2013 1:37 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Incandescent Light Bulb R.I.P. ?
Replies: 106
Views: 16144

Re: The Incandescent Light Bulb R.I.P. ?

03Lightningrocks wrote:
VMI77 wrote:..."Abraham"........ People will replace their incandescent bulbs when it makes sense to them to do so. I'm blown away by how many people today want the government to make decisions for them --or perhaps more accurately, want the government to make the decision for others when it's a decision they like for themselves.

I would not want to speculate on the savings in light bulbs vs the savings in vehicles but I can tell you that it made a sizable difference in my electric bill when I changed to CFL. I have a couple rooms where turning a light switch on ignites a new generator at the power plant...LOL. My 75 watt bulbs are now using 13 watts but still providing the same amount of light as the incandescent bulbs.

A quick comparison of energy usage.....a gallon of gas is equivalent to about 33 kWhr. Using your 75 watt bulb replacement as an save 62 watts, or .062 kW. So, you'd have to run that 13 watt bulb for 532 hours to save as much energy as reducing gasoline consumption by 1 gallon. If your vehicle got 19 mpg instead of 20 mpg, and you traveled at 20 mph, in approximately one hour you'd save as much energy as as it would take 532 hours for the light bulb to save. So, the vehicle is only 5% more efficient, while the light bulb is 83% more efficient, but the amount of energy saved is 532 times greater for the vehicle --which is why an efficiency comparison between the two is irrelevant.
by VMI77
Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:13 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Incandescent Light Bulb R.I.P. ?
Replies: 106
Views: 16144

Re: The Incandescent Light Bulb R.I.P. ?

LAYGO wrote:
VMI77 wrote:
ss1088 wrote:Say what you will about government interference in the bulb market, it has led to some pretty neat technology in the LED market that would not have happened for many years otherwise. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Prices will become more reasonable as the years go on. We have already seen some major cuts in this market as the manufactures and engineers have been figuring out ways to cut cost.

If you really want to stick with incandescent, you will probably be able to find them if you are creative enough.
Seriously? You support the government taking away our choices and rationalize it based on an assumption of some future benefit? I hope you like Volts and Prius's because the logic of banning incandescent bulbs justifies banning SUVs and pickup trucks as well. Of course, it's unlikely, because that won't help Detroit's bottom line, and they're unlikely to lobby for it. And the logic that the government has a right to tell you what technology you must use is pretty close to the same logic that the gun grabbers use to justify banning semi-auto rifles.
Not that I don't agree with the "legislating a choice", but the difference in efficiency of energy consumed between a car/truck vs prius/volt IS NOT AS GREAT as incadescent vs CFL/LED. Somethings just make sense, especially if we want to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil.

You're kidding, right? What is the purpose of replacing one bulb with another bulb of greater efficiency? To spend money? To feel good? The purpose is to reduce energy consumption. The amount of energy you're saving with an LED light bulb is insignificant compared to the amount of energy saved by halving vehicle mpg --the differences in efficiency between light bulbs and vehicles is irrelevant. Furthermore, if CFL/LED bulbs are superior to incandescent bulbs, the government need not do anything. People will replace their incandescent bulbs when it makes sense to them to do so. I'm blown away by how many people today want the government to make decisions for them --or perhaps more accurately, want the government to make the decision for others when it's a decision they like for themselves.
by VMI77
Thu Dec 19, 2013 4:54 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Incandescent Light Bulb R.I.P. ?
Replies: 106
Views: 16144

Re: The Incandescent Light Bulb R.I.P. ?

ss1088 wrote:Say what you will about government interference in the bulb market, it has led to some pretty neat technology in the LED market that would not have happened for many years otherwise. Necessity is the mother of invention.

Prices will become more reasonable as the years go on. We have already seen some major cuts in this market as the manufactures and engineers have been figuring out ways to cut cost.

If you really want to stick with incandescent, you will probably be able to find them if you are creative enough.
Seriously? You support the government taking away our choices and rationalize it based on an assumption of some future benefit? I hope you like Volts and Prius's because the logic of banning incandescent bulbs justifies banning SUVs and pickup trucks as well. Of course, it's unlikely, because that won't help Detroit's bottom line, and they're unlikely to lobby for it. And the logic that the government has a right to tell you what technology you must use is pretty close to the same logic that the gun grabbers use to justify banning semi-auto rifles.
by VMI77
Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:18 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Incandescent Light Bulb R.I.P. ?
Replies: 106
Views: 16144

Re: The Incandescent Light Bulb R.I.P. ?

LAYGO wrote:Not only uses less energy, but the CFL/LED bulbs make better use of the energy consumed, where as an incandescent bulb converts about 95% (!!!!) of it's energy as heat, not light." onclick=";return false;
Incandescent bulbs are much less efficient than most other types of lighting; most incandescent bulbs convert less than 5% of the energy they use into visible light[1] (with the remaining energy being converted into heat).

So what?......that's not the point. I personally like LED lighting but in some applications I choose to use incandescent. THAT's the point: CHOICE. The government has no right to take away my choice --even if it means I'm using more electricity, electricity THAT I PAY FOR. There is no difference in principle from banning a bulb and banning an SUV or pickup truck because a Prius is more fuel efficient.
by VMI77
Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:14 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Incandescent Light Bulb R.I.P. ?
Replies: 106
Views: 16144

Re: The Incandescent Light Bulb R.I.P. ?

rotor wrote:Another example of government mandated stupidity. Saves electricity but you pay a ton more for the bulbs and with fluorescents you have the mercury to deal with as previously noted. Remember when freon was banned? Of course that was only in this country but the whole world was still using it. Cost Americans a ton of money. Then there is ethanol for fuel. Mandated use that ruins older engines, most boats can't handle the ethanol, drives up food costs because corn is the source. Of course Archers Daniels Crooks love it. Then there are wind turbines that cost more to actually build than they will ever create in energy- of course we give them tax credits. Eagles killed by wind turbines are acceptable but birds killed near a refinery are taboo. It goes on and on. A government out of control. You can't even get a decent toilet bowl anymore.
Except in many of these cases it isn't simple government stupidity but corporate rent-seeking. GE lobbied big time to ban incandescent because there is a lot of competition resulting in low prices and low margins. In the case of Freon, Dupont lobbied for the ban for essentially the same reason, knowing they already had developed a substitute. But yeah, I agree that the government is totally out of control.
by VMI77
Thu Dec 19, 2013 12:09 pm
Forum: Off-Topic
Topic: The Incandescent Light Bulb R.I.P. ?
Replies: 106
Views: 16144

Re: The Incandescent Light Bulb R.I.P. ?

TLE2 wrote:...that last significantly longer, use less electricity for the same light output.
Light bulbs account for a very tiny amount of the electricity you consume. The efficiency of these bulbs no where near pay for the increased cost, and having used them myself I've seen very little of the promised longevity.

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