The lack of respect, The common usage of the word doesn't make it right, I remember when the N word was commonly used, It has become socially unacceptable in almost any social setting. If we as citizens accept the lack of of respect that authorities have for us it becomes acceptable. As long as we accept being referred to as subjects the practice will continue.G.A. Heath wrote:I hate to break it to you if you have ever had any official dealings (Traffic stop, reporting something, ect) with law enforcement then you have been referred to as a subject. In fact, when the DPS handled your CHL packet they probably referred to you as .... a subject. The officers in the story were wrong in their actions, no question about it, but to take them to task over using the word subject as they have been trained is pointless when there are bigger issues. You want something done about it, then go all politically correct on them and see how much success you have.
I do agree there are bigger fish to fry, when it comes to respecting the citizen, and we are working on that. We can get to to the local levels later.
I understand that I'm geting off topic, and picking nits. `nuff said from me.