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by Liberty
Sun Dec 24, 2006 6:07 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: What actually happens when you are arrested?
Replies: 36
Views: 7950

seamusTX wrote:No, That kind of thing is well in my past. :smile:

I asked this question because I see comments from time to time that seem to indicate that some people think being arrested is not a big deal.

It can be not a big deal (out in a couple of hours with all your stuff), or it can mean several days in jail, the loss of a few grand, and the kids seeing daddy hauled off in cuffs.

I just thought it was worth discussing.

- Jim
I read somewhere that over 50% of Texans over 21 have been arrested at some point in their life. That would make getting arrested somewhat normal. :???:

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