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by Paladin
Sat May 23, 2020 8:51 am
Forum: Training & Practice
Topic: FIVE-YARD ROUNDUP: Timed Close-Up Shooting Drill
Replies: 4
Views: 5714

Re: FIVE-YARD ROUNDUP: Timed Close-Up Shooting Drill

Tom Givens runs this drill, so I tried it out. Its a fun challenge. I very much like the speed standards. I hit the accuracy standards, but they seem very high... perhaps more than what is needed. A 6 inch dot target should be enough. A physical stressor before the drill would be even better.
by Paladin
Thu May 21, 2020 6:05 pm
Forum: Training & Practice
Topic: FIVE-YARD ROUNDUP: Timed Close-Up Shooting Drill
Replies: 4
Views: 5714

FIVE-YARD ROUNDUP: Timed Close-Up Shooting Drill

FIVE-YARD ROUNDUP: Timed Close-Up Shooting Drill
All the shooter needs are his duty or carry setup, ten rounds, and an NRA B-8 repair center (25-yard bullseye) stapled up five yards away.

There are four strings of fire, each with a time limit of 2.5 seconds. (Remember the three-second statistic? We want to be effective within that time.)

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