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by BobCat
Wed Apr 21, 2010 5:56 pm
Forum: LEO Contacts & Bloopers
Topic: Great LEO contact tonight
Replies: 6
Views: 1657

Re: Great LEO contact tonight

austinrealtor wrote:Now THAT is first class. Betcha not too many LEOs get an attaboy from the person they stopped.
Sometime in about 1973 I was riding my motorcycle up Highway 101 from Santa Barbara to San Francisco, and got stopped - with cause (I was not *way* out of line but the stop was valid).

Having grown up near Chicago, I was ready for (expecting) a difficult time.

The CHP trooper was so absolutely calm and professional that, when I sent the ticket in with the fine (in effect pleading guilty) I included a letter commending his professionalism and lack of bullying. Since then, I've sometimes laughed to myself at the humor his supervisor and colleagues must have found in my letter. I do not regret writing it though.

I bet it happens more often than we might think, that an officer gets an "attaboy" from the person they stopped.

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