I measured twice with a digital caliper and got the same readings.couzin wrote:If you have measured correct - it is full choke on the bottom and extra full (turkey) on top - which would be very unusual unless the barrel was specifically for turkey hunting. The barrels should be marked with their respective constrictions near the receiver on the barrels. not sure if Baikal uses english ("full" etc) or sets of slashes (/ , // , etc) to identify constriction.Rex B wrote:I have a Baikal IZH27M O/U that measures .682 on the top and .699 at the bottom barrel.
What would you call that? Surely it's not full choke on both barrels
Checked all around the muzzle and breech for markings, found none. I'll check the breech area again tonight in better light.
Why would someone specify long-range chokes with just 2.75" chambers?
Seems to me that 3" or even 3.5" would be more suitable.
Just doesn't add up.